My girlfriend, (Y/N), and I are having a nice little picnic at the park. We are having a little bit of trouble spending time together, so I made sure that we have time by making everything perfect. "I can't believe you did all of this for me, Bruno," she said as we were looking at the clouds, and leaning back on a tree with my arm around her. "I will do anything for you, (Y/N)," I said as I kissed her forehead. "Your my world, my beautiful queen, my best friend, my babygirl, (Y/N), you are my everything. And I wouldn't trade you for anything else."
"Aww, Bru! You're making me blush!" She said trying to hide her face. I love her smile and laugh. "And our relationship is solid as a rock. We never keep secrets from each other and we can talk to each other about anything. And stop hiding that cute little face," I said lifting her head up. She sorta froze when she looked up behind me and tried to hide it when she looked at me, and smiled.
"Um..... baby, I need to do something really quick, and I will be right back, Okay?" She said standing up looking down at me. "O-Okay, I'll be right here waiting for you," I said. (Y/N) ran off, and I have a feeling that she is hiding something from me, so I packed up our picnic, and followed her. She went to a dark alley following this man and woman.
"What are you two doing here?" (Y/N) asked them. "When are you going to tell him, Sister?" The guy asked her. "How many times have I told you two, Bruno is not ready to know yet!" (Y/N) yelled at them. I'm not ready to know what? I thought. "Andrew, I told you that coming here was a bad idea, but (Y/N) you really do need to talk to Bruno about this. You two have been together for, what, 7 mouths?" The woman said as she grabbed Andrew's arm.
"9 mouths, for your information Victoria. And I know that I have to tell Bruno, and I will tonight. But if I ever happen to see you two ever again, I will drive 4 wooden stakes through each of your hearts, understand?" (Y/N) said as they nodded yes and flew away. I ran back to the car and started to ask a lot of questions. How long has she been a hiding this? What did she means by wooden stakes? How did those two just take off like that? And what does she have to tell me tonight? I was interrupted by (Y/N) tapping on the window. I unlocked the door, let her in, and drove home. "Bae, what happened with our picnic?" She asked me. "I checked the weather and it might rain today, and I know how much you hate getting your hair wet," I lied.
As we got home, I kept my distance from her a little bit. We sat down in the living room and watch TV.
My Pro Side: Come on man, grow some balls and ask her what's the big secret!
My Con Side: Ican't because she will know that I followed her to the alley way!
Pro: She's not going to find out you went to the alley way, and her not telling you might just pull you two apart.
Con: I just don't know if she will be mad or happy
Pro: Only one way to find out Dude
"Hey, Bruno? There's something I need to tell you," (Y/N) said as she cut the TV off, faced me, and holding my hands. I knew what she was going to say, so I beat her to the punch. "Babe, I know that you are a vampire," I said looking in her golden brown eyes.
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"That and I knew you followed me to see what I was doing. I'm sorry for not telling you about this in the beginning of our relationship. I was just worried about if I did tell you before, then you would run away from me. I just wanted you to love me for me and not see me as the blood-sucking monster I am, and I would completely understand if you want to leave," she said looking down at her hands. I grabbed her by the chin and kissed her on the lips.
"(Y/N), I do love you, and just because you are a vampire doesn't change the way I feel about you. You are still my world, my beautiful queen, my best friend, my babygirl, (Y/N), you are my everything. And I still wouldn't trade you for anything else. I love you, (Y/N)," I said. "I love you too Bruno," she said hugging me. "Just one question, how old are you in vampire years?" I asked curiously. "In human years 22, but in vampire years 32. Same age as you," She said as we talked all night long about vampires.