Hazel's POV: "Wait, What?! What do you mean you can't do my hair?....... I have a date with my boyfriend tomorrow night and I need my hair done today! ........... Fine, I'll just try to find someone else to do my hair," I said as I hung up the phone. Fuck, I can't find anyone else to do my hair today, and I can't let Bruno see my real hair. It's too short and Bruno likes girls with long hair, hell I even had long hair when we even met. "Hey Bae, have you seen my lucky 24K Hat?!" Bruno asked from upstairs. "Um......Just a second!" I said as I put on my stocking cap. He came downstairs and I gave him his hat, and sat down trying to think about who can do my hair. I can do my own hair, but I'm trying to get box braids, and I can't do my own box braids.
Bruno's POV: I'm been trying to talk to Hazel about our date tomorrow but she is just zoned out. And she still had her stocking cap on, and whatever she's thinking about it must be interesting to her. "Baby? Bae? Hazel!" I said getting her attention. "Huh?" She said looking at me. "I've been talking to you for the longest now, and you weren't listening to me," I said. "Oh um..... I was just thinking about......... what I'm going to wear on our date tomorrow," she said going to our bedroom. Now I know my babygirl and there's no way that she can be in deep thought about her outfit for our date tomorrow, that and because she always pick out her outfits right after I tell her that I'm taking her out on a date.
"Really? Okay! Bae, why do you still have on this stocking cap? You need to let your hair breathe," I said as I hugged her from behind. "I know, it's just.....," she said trailing off. "Oh, I get it. You don't want me to see your real hair, do you?" I asked her looking at her through the mirror. She gasped and turned around towards me and said, "How did you know, Bruno?" I chuckled and kissed her forehead, and hugged her tightly. "Cause I kinda looked on your Instagram page and saw a few pictures of you with your real hair, and you look so cute without the extra hair," I said grabbing her hands.
"Not this time. It looks like a black afro spider web up here," she said sitting on the bed. "Let me see, Hazel," I said standing beside her. She was hesitant to pull off her cap, but when I sat down beside her, she finally grabbed her cap and took it off.
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"There," She said looking at me. I was so mesmerized by her hair that I stood there with my mouth wide open. "Haze, your hair is beautiful!" I said as I felt her hair. "Please, this tangled mess is not beautiful, but do you really like it?" She asked. "Of course! I love your hair, I bet people will call us the Afro Couple," I joked as she laughed. "Leave your hair like this baby, it represents your beauty, your natural beauty," I said feeling her hair again. "Oh, I don't know," she said looking down. "Please? For me?" I asked giving her the puppy dog eyes.
"Okay, Bae only for you," She said kissing my cheek. Hey, have you seen her hair? If you had her as a girlfriend, you would do the say the same. ————————————————— Look who's back! Remember, I'm doing request for anyone who wants one. And, I have an announcement! I have another book out! It's called The Spy and The Sidekick! If you know the TV shows K.C Undercover and Henry Danger, then you are going to love this story.
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Enjoythat story and the rest of this story! Love y'all ❤️😍😘