No One's POV: "Yo! What's Gucci, BJ Squad?!" Jennifer said to her camera as she's in her car with her 2 besties, Briana and Jasmine. "I'm with my 2 besties, Bri and Jazz, and we are going to be pulling a prank on our boyfriends, Bruno, Kameron, and Dwayne," Jennifer said with an evil look in her eyes. Bruno and Jennifer have a YouTube channel together and they use it for either vlogs, singing, dancing, challenges, or their personal favorite pranks.
"Okay, if you guys watched last week's video, Bruno pranked me by making me think that I was his biological mother. It was early in the morning and he wants to prank me?! Me?! But, I have to admit, he can act, but today I'm gonna get even. Today we all have our makeup and we are gonna make it look like we got jumped. We actually told them that we were going to the store when we're at the park. I can already see Bruno getting mad over this," Jennifer said as the girls laughed. "Well, Kam If you are watching this, Sorry not sorry!" Briana said into the camera. "Dwayne, I'm not sorry because you took my last chocolate chip muffin! This is what you get!" Jasmine said as they all got started to doing their makeup.
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Jennifer's Look⬆️⬆️⬆️ Briana and Jasmine's Looks⬇️⬇️⬇️
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"Damn! We look beat up, and not in a good way!" Jasmine said as the three girls laughed. "So, I already set up a camera in the living room. They're probably playing NBA 2K19, and Bruno if you're watching this, just know...... you started this prank war," Jennifer said as she drove to her house.
Meanwhile, Bruno and the Hooligans were on the couches ready to play a game but couldn't decide if they should play NBA 2K19 ALL-STAR or Fortnight. "How about we play NBA first then Fortnight?" Bruno said as he sat down with his controller. As they all agreed, the three girls came into the house, fake crying, and holding their injuries. "Baby! What happened to you guys?" Bruno asked them as him, Kam, and Dwayne all jumped up to their sides. "W-We got jumped! We w-were just g-going in the store," Jennifer said crying again.
"When these t-two girls and one guy c-came up to us and just started b-beating us," Briana said holding on to Kameron. "Oh, hell naw!" "Which store did Y'all go to?" "Hey, get me my gun!" was all that came out of Bruno's, Dwayne's, and Kameron's mouths. They all sat the girls down on the couches, gave them some ice packets, got themselves some weapons, and got Jennifer's car keys. Bruno had a metal bat, Dwayne had a knife, and Kameron had a gun; all three of them were ready to catch some charges for their girls.
"Aye, you girls are NOT going anywhere by Y'all selves anymore! Are y'all coming or staying?" Bruno asked hoping, praying, and wishing that they said no. The three girls said no and kept crying. Bruno, Dwayne, and Kameron left and Jennifer, Jasmine, and Briana ran out with the camera before they left.
"Babe, BRUNO! It's a prank, it's just a prank!" Jennifer said holding the camera. "Jennifer, I'm out here with a whole bat in my hands," Bruno said as he stopped the car and all three of them got out. "Nigga, that ain't nothing, I'm out here with a big ass knife," Dwayne said as they all went inside the house. "Niggas, do y'all not see this fucking pistol in my hands? We three of us could have gone to jail," Kameron said showing his gun.
"Y'all sure nobody put they hands on Y'all?" Bruno asked Jennifer. "Nigga, please! The only thing that beat us up was some makeup brushes, and you should have known that if someone put they fucking hands on me, I'ma set this bitch off!" Jennifer said into the camera.
"And, Y'all actually put them on the spots where it would bruise at, too," Dwayne said hugging Jasmine. "Well, Team Jennifer, Y'all got us, but just know, I got your ass. You may have won this battle, but we all know that Team Bruno gonna win the war," Bruno said in the camera as he was talking to Jennifer.
"Mhmm, Yeah, we'll see about that. Anyways, you guys make sure that you give this video a thumbs up for Team Jennifer coming through with the pranks and know that If anyone is winning this prank war, it's gonna be me! Like, comment, and subscribe if you already haven't, and we'll see you guys either tomorrow for a vlog or next week for another surprise prank on Bruno. Love you guys! Byes!" Jennifer said in the camera. "I love you guys more!" Bruno yelled before Jennifer cut the camera off.
And after Jennifer posted the video and it had gotten 5.7 million views on YouTube. Bruno had gotten so many comments about how he stuck up for his woman and kinda made fun of him for falling for the prank. In Jennifer's mind, she was thinking 'Best Prank Ever!', But in Bruno's mind, he was thinking 'I got her, just she wait.' After this, the prank war has just begun.