Jennifer's POV: What would you do if you kept your career a secret from your boyfriend, family, and friends? Cause that's what I had to do. Right now I'm at home with my babyboy and friends, and I got a text from my dance partner saying that I need to help the kids with the routine. I went to put my dance clothes and shoes on, grabbed my dance bag, and texted him, "On the way 🏃🏾♀️."
I came down stairs and once I got to the door, Bruno asked me, "Damn girl, where you going?" I didn't want them to know that I dance so I made something up. "I'm going to a friend's house, he said that he...... broke his....leg, so he needs my help. See y'all, love y'all," I said kissing Bruno's cheek, and left. I can't have them knowing that I'm a dancer, because I might get nervous about dancing in front of them. I'm driving to the dance studio and said hey to everyone, and to my dance partner, Milo.
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"Now, who said that they needed help with the routine," I asked him and he said, "Just two, Ariana and Jayden. They keep forgetting the last move." I got everyone around the mirror so we can go over the routine again.
15 Mins Later
"Ready?! 5, 6, 7, 8!" I said as we started dancing. Everyone followed us and at the end of the song everyone did great. "Okay, everyone take 5, then we are coming back to film it!" Milo said as everyone took a break. "So, do your friends and boyfriend know that you can dance?" He asked sitting beside me. "No, I haven't told them yet," I said looking at him. He had that look on his face saying 'Why?', "You know why I didn't tell them, because I get nervous around them. I mean, I can't just say that I dance, because they won't believe me! If I do dance in front of them, I might get nervous, or forget a step in the routine and look like a complete fool, and-and," Milo grabbed my hand because every time I ramble on and on he knows how to stop me.
"You have to tell them," was all that he said as he went to the kids telling them how great they did. He's right, I'm going to call Bruno and tell him to come over and with our friends.
"Okay everyone gather around! Now, we are going to have some special guests coming in and they are my friends, so on the dance floor show out, because we are going to blow them away," I announced as on cue they walked in. Everyone was just shocked at the Hooligans and my friends.
"So, this is where you were?" Bruno asked as I smiled and nodded. "Okay, show us what you got, Jennifer," Bruno said as he, along with our friends, sat down to watch us. I went to the videographer and said that we were ready. "Oh, Bruno! Don't be jealous, it's just a dance," I said to Bruno.
After everyone went home, Milo, his girlfriend Hazel, my friends and I were still in the studio talking. "So, how long have you been doing this, Bae?" Bruno asked and I held up 6. "Mouths. I was just nervous about dancing in front of you guys," I said hugging Bruno and cuddling with him. "Aww, Bae you don't need to be nervous around us. We are your second family, don't ever doubt yourself in what you do best," (Life lesson for everyone) Bruno said as he kissed my forehead. And after that day, Bruno had me and some of my dance students on stage with him and the Hooligans.