Best Friends: Part One

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Your outfit 🔝🔝🔝

(YN)'s POV:
"YOU ARE LITERALLY THE WORST GUY I'VE EVER MET IN MY LIFE!!" I yelled at my soon-to-be-ex boyfriend, Justin. "OH, SO, I CAN'T GOING OUT WITH MY FRIENDS ANYMORE!?" He yelled as well. "I never said that you couldn't, I'm just saying that we don't ever spend time together! It's like, you're either going to the studio or to a club, and every time you come home, I never get a 'Hey baby' or 'How was your day?', and even when you leave, I don't get a 'Bye Babygirl,' or an 'I love you,' anymore," I said looking in his soft, guilty eyes with my glossy ones.

"Oh, baby, why didn't you tell me?" He asked trying to hug me, but I pushed him away. "Because, you were either too busy or too tired! And me, being a nice girlfriend, I left it alone. You know what, why are we even dating? It's so clear that you don't love me," I said honestly. "I do love you, (YN)," he said grabbing my hands.

"Well, you have a funny way of showing it! You have been saying that you are too busy to hang out with me, but you're not too busy when you're going to the club?! You say that you will always be there for me, but when I need you, you're not here, Justin! You tell me you love me, but I really ain't been feeling it lately," I said going upstairs to pack my stuff.

"What are you doing?" Justin asked me as I was packing my stuff up to stay with my best friend. "I'm done with this," I said with no emotion as I finished packing. As I was walking downstairs, Justin asked me,"So, you're just gonna up and leave me? Just like that?" I turned around towards him and grabbed my keys. "Yes, why? Because you drove me away by neglecting me, Justin. I need someone who can make me feel...... wanted. Goodbye, Justin," I said as I left out of his house and life.

Bruno's POV:
I was just at home having a lazy day when I got a call from my best friend, (YN). "What up, bestie!" I said through the phone. "Well, I ate an apple pie, texted my sisters, broke up with Justin, and I wanted to stay with you for awhile, until I can find my own place," she said as I did my happy dance. "Hold on for one minute," I said as I muted the phone and sung, "🎵She's single, She's single! Now she can be mine!🎵"

I unmuted the phone and said, "You can stay here for as long as you want, (YN)," I said grabbing some clothes to put on. "Okay, I'll be there in about one and a half hours," She said giving me enough time to get ready. "Okay, See ya," I said as we hung up. I have been in love with (YN) ever since we met in middle school. Even when she had boyfriends, I still flirt with her and most people think that it's just how we act, which it is, but when she gets here, I'm gonna turn everything on, even her.

(YN)'s POV:
As I was driving to Bruno's house, I was thinking about our friendship. I just realized that the way we flirt with each other, Bruno means it. I mean, Bruno is handsome and talented, but I don't wanna ruin our friendship. I parked the car in Bruno's driveway and honked 5 times. We always do this every time we visit each other.

"Hold on now! Ain't no hoes living here, girl!" Bruno yelled as he came out of the house. "Yes, there is," I said cutting my car off and getting my bags. "Really? Where?" He said looking around. "Go look in the mirror," I said hugging him. We laughed it off, and went inside the house.

"So, let me guess, he cheated?" Bruno asked pasting me some tea. "No, he was neglecting me," I said taking a sip. "Oh. So, he wasn't showing you any type of love, huh? Well, he's a punk ass bitch, who can't appreciate a wonderful woman like yourself, (YN)," he says making me feel better about this break up. "But, it's not just Justin. This has happened so many times that I'm starting to think that guys just don't like me, let alone love me," I said truthfully.

"No. Any guy would be lucky enough to have you as a girlfriend. Those other guys were dickheads, Okay? If no one else can see who beautiful you are then they are wrong. (YN), you are smart, outgoing, kind, confident, sweet, beauti- no, gorgeous, and the list goes on and on. You don't let anyone else tell you what to do and you maybe insecure about yourself, but you don't have to be. This is the main reason why I love you, and— Oh shit!" Bruno said as he accidentally confessed his love for me. "You l-love me?" I asked relieved.

To Be Continued......

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