His 6 Personally Traits (Part 1)

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Jennifer's POV:
7 month boyfriend, Bruno, and I were on the bed watching TV and were about to go to sleep. We have been doing nothing lately because we have been on our off days for a little bit. "Hey, Jennifer?" Bruno said grabbing my attention. "Yea, Bru?" I said looking at him. "What do you think my 6 personality traits are?" He asked me out of the blue. "Oh, well, I think there's Optimistic or Joy, Shyness, Angry, Knowledge, Laziness, and my favorite one Lust. Why did you ask me that?" I asked Bruno.

"I'm just curious. I mean, imagine if there were 6, plus myself, 7 of me in this house," Bruno said yawning. "That would be fun," I said as we kissed and went to sleep.

The Next Day

As I was sleeping like a baby, I felt Bruno poking my cheek. "Bruno, stop poking me," I mumbled in my pillow. "That's not me, babygirl. I'm in the bathroom," Bruno yelled from the bathroom. I opened my eyes to see the bathroom light on, but someone is still poking me. "That's me poking you," I looked at this person poking me, he was wearing a pink sweater, had pink eyes, and he looked exactly like Bruno. "What the hell!" I screamed as I fell on the ground. "Oh my god, baby! Are you okay?" Bruno said coming out of the bathroom. "I think so, but am I seeing double or are there actually two of you in the room?" I asked while looking at both of them.

"Oh, well this is one of my personality traits that you said I have. Didn't you say Optimistic or Happiness? This is him!" Bruno said pointing to the Bruno who had on pink. "Hi! You can just call me Joy!" He said pulling me into a almost bone crushing hug. "I'm Jennifer, and how did this happen?" I asked Bruno. Bruno just shrugged his shoulders as Joy puts me down. "Oh! You have to meet the rest of the guys downstairs!" Joy said as I did a double take. "The rest?" I questioned as I went downstairs to see 5 other Brunos waiting for us to come downstairs.

"Hello! I am Bruno's Knowledge, But you can just call me Knowledge," said the Bruno in the yellow sweatshirt, hair style with the afro, had on yellow glasses, and had yellow eyes. "I'm Bruno's Anger. Just call me Anger," said the Bruno with red eyes, had a wild afro, and a red sweater on. "I-I'm B-Bruno's Shyness and Sadness, But you c-can call m-me Shy," said the Bruno in the gray sweater, gray eyes, with a small afro, and who was hiding behind Knowledge. "Aww," I said walking to Shy and hugging him. "I like her," Shy said as I let go of him.

As I was walking backwards, I felt someone wrapping his arms around my waist. "Who's this?" I asked while looking at the original Bruno. I turned around to be face to face with a purple eyed color Bruno with a purple muscle shirt on, and his hair styled as the famous womp. "Hello, beautiful. I'm Bruno's Lust, but with a gorgeous woman like yourself, you could call me Daddy," he said kissing the back of my hand. "How about Lust instead?" I asked him. "Whatever you wanna call me, sweetheart," Lust said pulling me closer to himself as I started fanning myself because I was starting to get hot. "Okay, you! That's enough!" Said the original Bruno pulling me away from Lust. "Bruno, are you jealous of me and your Lust?" I questioned him. "No, it's just that I wanna be the only Bruno touching you like that," Bruno lies as I chuckled at him. "Okay, whatever floats your boat," I said patting his back.

I heard Bruno burping and I playfully hit him. "Eww! Gross!" I said looking at Bruno. "That wasn't me, Jennifer," Bruno said as Anger snatched the blanket off the couch to reveal a Bruno wearing an orange sweater, orange colored eyes, bed head afro, and eating my favorite double chocolate chip cookies. "Hey! Those were mine! Let me guess: Bruno's Laziness and Rudeness?" I questioned him still being pissed about my cookies. "Yep, and you can call me Sloth," Sloth said falling asleep on the couch. "Wow, How did this happen, Bruno?" I asked him.

"I honestly don't know, but can they stay? Please? I know it's your dream to have 7 of me in the same house," Bruno begs me. "Well, it would be fun, and funny. Okay, they can stay!" I gave into his plea as he cheered with Joy.

One Month Later

"Hey, Bruno! I need your opinion on this dress!" I said talking to the original Bruno since we still live with his personality traits. "Sure, babygirl," Bruno said as I came downstairs in my new red dress.

"Do you like it?" I asked him as every single Bruno looks my way

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"Do you like it?" I asked him as every single Bruno looks my way. "Damn!" All 7 of them said as I laughed at them. Lust walks towards me and starts kissing me. "You look so fucking sexy right now," Lust said while pulling away. Anger came up towards me just to smack me on my ass. "That was for looking this damn sexy," Anger said walking away. "Ooh! Look at my boo! Looking like a meal!" Joy said boosting my confidence up as the rest agreed with him. The original Bruno walked up to me, pushed me and Lust into the bedroom.

"What's going on?" I asked as Lust grabbed my ass. "Well, we are gonna make your fantasy dream come true, love," Lust said as he kissed my neck and Bruno locked the door. "Didn't you tell me that your fantasy sex dream was about having sex with two of me?" Bruno said pulling off his shirt and looking at me. "Maybe," I said starting to laugh as Lust started kissing my cheek. "Are you ready, Jennifer?" Bruno asked me as Lust pushed me down.

As I was about to say yes, I woke up with cold water on my body. "Surprise, motherfucker!!" Bruno said with a bucket in his hands. "BRUNO!!!!" I yelled as I chased him around our house. "I got you, babe!" He said with a camera in his hand as I stopped chasing him. "I was having a great dream! You play too much!" I said while playfully punching him. "Sorry, Jennifer," he said as he kissed my cheek.

It was night time and Bruno, and I were on the bed watching TV and were about to go to sleep. "Hey, Bruno?" I said grabbing his attention. "Yea, babygirl?" He said looking at me. "What do you think my 6 personality traits are?" I asked him after my dream.

Part Two??

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