He Saves Your Life

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(YN)'s POV:
"(YNN), are you sure that you wanna walk home? It's dark out and there are some crazy people lurking around in the dark," my best friend asked me as I said, "No thanks. I live about 3 blocks away from her. I'll be fine." You see, my friends and I were having a party for me because I had got a promotion at my dream job, and I started walking out of the venue and on my journey home. As I was walking, I had a strange feeling that I was being followed, so I started walking a little bit faster.

All of a sudden, I got pulled into a dark alleyway and pushed against a brick wall. "Well, well, well. Look at her boys; isn't she a sight to see," said the guy who pulled me into the alleyway. There were two other guys with him as they all started laughing and that's when I knew that they all were drunk. "Please let go of me," I said in a weak voice as one of them tries to undo my dress. "Oh no, sweetie! We are not going to hurt you, right guys?" This random guy said as his friends nodded and laughed at the sight of him trying to make me take off my dress.

"We just wanna see what's under this dress of yours," he said as he started to get rough with me. "HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" I screamed as I tried to get away from them but they were too strong for me. One snatched me back by my waist and they all ripped off my dress leaving me in my bra and panties. When one guy tried to touch me, I saw him get hit over the head with a steel pipe, and fall down to the ground along with the other two. I looked up to see three guys who knocked those three perverts out. A cute short light brown skinned guy with brown hair colored afro holding the pipe in his hand, a taller light skinned guy with his hair cut down and has on golden brass knuckles, and the last guy had a little bit darker skin than the other two, he was bald and he was holding a big metal bat in his hand.

"Hey, are you okay? Did anyone of these creeps hurt you?" Said the guy with the brown afro as he helps me up and gives me his coat to cover me up. "They were about to before you guys showed up. Thank you," I said as I hug the short guy even though he was a little bit taller than me. "Your welcome, sweetheart. You two, call the cops and make sure that they all go to jail. Sweetheart, I'm gonna take you to my place so you can get out of this cold weather and into something more comfortable," he said as I followed him to his car. He turned on some heat due to the fact that I was shivering in my seat.

"By the way, I'm Peter, but I prefer if you call me Bruno," Bruno says as I was snapped out of my mind. "I'm (YN)," I said as we drove to his house or should I say mansion.

Bruno's POV:
After I invited (YN) into my house, I ran a bath and laid out some of my sister's clothes for her to wear. "The bathroom is the second door on the right and I laid some clothes out for you to wear, (YN)," I said as she still looked petrified about what happened tonight. I pulled her into another hug to put her mind at ease and walked her towards the bathroom. "Thank you again for tonight, Bruno," She said as she hugs me tightly and kisses my cheek before going into the bathroom. To be honest, (YN) is really cute, and I wanna ask her out on a date. But after tonight, I think I just need to give her some time to think.

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