Just Bored

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Bruno: Heyy babygirl! 😍

Jennifer: What did you want, dude? 😒

Bruno: Is that any way to talk to your Daddy, Babygirl? 😏😏

Jennifer sent Bruno a Gif

Jennifer sent Bruno a Gif

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Bruno: Really?

Jennifer: What do you want, nigga?

Bruno: I'm bored 😐 and I felt like texting my babygirl

Jennifer: 🥰 Aww! You wanted to talk to me! FaceTime me, I'm with my auntie

Jennifer's POV:
"Who you on the phone with?" My auntie, Cardi B, asked me as Bruno FaceTimes me. "Bae! Is that Bardi with chu?" Bruno asked through the phone as Cardi sat down beside me so that we both were in the camera. "Hey, Cousin B! How you doing today?!" She asked making me laugh from her being extra. "Fine, but I had got bored," Bruno said with a sigh. "Wait, I thought you were in Vegas with the Hooligans? Shouldn't you be partying with them?" I asked him as he lays down on his hotel bed.

"I've been partying all night, and I missed hearing your voice, Jennifer," Bruno said causing me to Aww. "What about me?" Cardi asks sounding like a little baby and looking like she was finna cry. "Aww, Bardi, I miss you, too. I wish both of y'all were here, because with you two crazy girls here, I wouldn't be so bored out of my mind," Bruno said as we both said, "You got that right! Okurrrr!" Bruno just laughs at our silliness and someone walked into his room. It is just my uncle, Offset. The Migos are the opening act for the Hooligans on tour with each other. "Hey, Set! How's my daddy doing?" Cardi said as Bruno and I said ew. "That's Cardi and Jennifer? Hey, babe. I just got done with partying with the guys and I'm tired," Offset said as Bruno moved the phone so that the both of them are in the camera.

"Aye, Jennifer! What's up!?" Offset ask snapping me out for my daydream. "Nothing much, just helping my auntie with this new song," I said showing them my notebook. "Yea, I couldn't think of anything else other then 'Lollipoppin', twerkin' in some J's. On the dance floor, no panties in the way'. So I asked Jennifer for some help, but we still can't think of a chorus," Cardi said as she grabbed my phone to show them what all we have so far.

"Jennifer? No shade Jennifer, but Cardi. Do you really think that Jennifer can write a song?" Offset asked while laughing as Bruno snickers at his comment. "Yeah, no offense Bae, but you don't know anything about songwriting," Bruno said as I was already writing something down for the rest of the 1st verse. "How about this? 'I take my time with it, bring you close to me. Don't want no young dumb shit. Better fuck me like we listenin' to Jodeci. I was tryna lay low, takin' it slow. When I'm fuckin' again, gotta celebrate, do you man look good? Better put him away. If you can't sweat the weave out, you shouldn't even be out. Dinner reservations like the pussy, you gon' eat out' How's that?" I asked as Off set and Bruno looks at me with their mouths open. "And I was thinking about that chorus, too. I was thinking 'Please me, baby. Turn around and just tease me, baby. You know what I want and what I need, baby. (Let me hear you say) Please! (Let me hear you say) Please!'" I sang as Cardi looks at the guys with a smirk on her face. "Now, Who don't know anything about songwriting?" Cardi yelled as I laughed at them. "Aye, you and Bruno are gonna be thanking me when I get done!" I said still writing the song while I was drinking some water. "I bet she was inspired by herself and Bruno in the bedroom," Offset said as I almost spit out my water and Cardi started laughing while Bruno just chuckled and asked, "I mean, is it?"

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