Let's Get Married Part 2 (@brianaicolestreet)

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Date: December 3, 2018
Theme: Winter Wonder Land (Blue & White)
Event: Wedding of Peter 'Bruno' Hernandez & Briana Nicole Street

Bruno's POV:
Today's the day I marry the love of my life, Briana 'soon-to-be' Hernandez. I was getting ready with the guys and I'm glad that Briana and I picked Winter theme, because blue and white looks so good on me. Even tho, I'm wearing a black suit.

"Yo! Bruno, how do we look?" Phill asked me as himself, Kameron, and Eric was dressed in their suits

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"Yo! Bruno, how do we look?" Phill asked me as himself, Kameron, and Eric was dressed in their suits. "Y'all look good," I said looking at them through the mirror.

"Guys, I'm so happy that I am marrying Briana

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"Guys, I'm so happy that I am marrying Briana. She just puts a smile on my face every time I see her," I said as I get ready in my tuxedo. I have everything I need, my vow, the rings, and now all I need is my Briana. "Guys, it's time!" John said as we all headed to the ceremony. "Hey, guys! One more time before we go?" I asked them and they nodded. "Alright, 'Hooligans' on 3! 1,2,3!" I said. "Hooligans!" They all said and we went to the limo.

When we got to the wedding venue, the paparazzi was outside of the building. Well, Briana did want to let everyone in the world know that we're getting married. We went out for some pictures and questions about our marriage. We went inside the venue and Briana out-did herself with the decorations, seating chart, and just for me a stage. She knows me so well, I love her so much, and Everyone was already there and we all are waiting for Briana.

Briana's POV:

Briana's POV:

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