Wild N' Out (Round 3: Got Damned)

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No one's POV:
"Welcome back to the show. ATL, What's good!" Nick said as they came back from commercial break. Everyone cheered as he said that. "Now to recap, Red Squad has one point and Black Squad has one point. Now, Jennifer, do you and Bruno be roasting each other?" Nick asked Jennifer Raymond. "Yeah, most of the time we be roasting each other again and again," Jennifer said laughing.

"Well, this next game is perfect for you two. It's called 'Got Damned'! Okay, don't use the lords name in vain. Now, this game is where you can roast your opponent in any kind of way. Referee: E-Man," Nick said as Emmanuel came out in his referee outfit. "Okay, now if you take more than two seconds to respond, this will happen," Nick said as Emmanuel said, "You! Out!"

"Got Damned!" Everyone said.

"You can take it from here, Emmanuel," Nick asked him. "I got it, boss! I got it," E-Man said.

Jennifer's POV:
"Okay, rules are simple. Black Squad step up Red Squad step up. More than 2 seconds, you're out. Step past me, you're out. Stay in your lane, Okay? Just Stay in your lane," he said explaining.

"Give me, Justina," he said pointing at the Red Squad. "Give me, Funny Mike," he pointing at the Black Squad. "Miss Valentine, you ready?" Emmanuel asked her. "Ready!" Justina said. "Mr. Mike, you ready?" He asked. "Born ready!" Mike said. "Let's go!" Emmanuel said backing up.

"If you don't get your wannabe black ass up out of here," Mike said.

"Why do you look so familiar? Oh, right, you were on the street asking for crack, crack head ass boy," Justina said.

"If you don't, now wait Hold on," Mike said as Emmanuel said, "You! Out!"

"Got Damned!" Everyone said and they got a point.

"Give me B. Simone," he said looking at the Red Squad. "Give me DC Young Fly," he said pointing out DC. "B. Simone, you ready?" He asked her. "Yep," She said. "DC, you ready?" Emmanuel asked him. "I'm ready," DC said. "Let's go!" E-Man said.

"If you don't get your shitty tattoo on yo face looking ass up out of here, ugly ass boy!" B. Simone said.

"Y'all know what what time it is. Bring the ass here boi! Girl, you look like an ugly Christmas sweater, ugly ass girl!" DC said.

"I bet in school you couldn't pronounce 'T-The C-Cat in the' sound it out DC, head ass boy!" She said.

"I bet when you wake up in the morning, your wig gets stuck in the pillows! Then, you go back to get it, ugly ass girl!" He said taking off his hat and putting it back on. When B. couldn't think of anything, Emmanuel said, "You! Out!"

"Got Damned," Everyone said and we got a point, so now we are tied. 1-1

"Give me, Mr. Bruno Mars," He said pointing to the red squad. "Give me, the lovely Ms. Jennifer Raymond," he said pointing at me. "Mars, you ready?" He asked Bruno. "Let's go!" He said jumping. "Raymond, you ready?" He asked me. "Hell to the yes," I said with confidence. "Let's go!" He said backing up.

"Girl, If you don't get your basketball head ass up out of here," Bruno said to me. Baking time!

"Bake his ass, Jennifer!" DC said. "Bake his ass like our uncle Chance did to Nick," Kaniyah said.

"Now, I gotta to bake to ass. I gotta to bake to ass! Nigga, you're so short, someone thought that you were my son, leprechaun head ass boy! And, I bet if we go on a roller coaster— Oh! My bad, I forgot you have to be this tall to ride! With yo old elf looking head ass!" I said as Bruno couldn't think of anything else.

"Girl, if you don't get your big booty having ass up out of here," he said.

"Please, you wish you had an ass like mine, flat pancake ass, boy!" I said turning around and grabbing my own ass.

"Uh- you-," Bruno started as Emmanuel said, "You! Out!"

"Got Damned!" Everyone said as we got a point and winning that game.

"Damn, y'all do be roasting each other some times! Jennifer, you do have a basketball head, and Bruno, when— *hahahaha* when she called you a leprechaun and a elf, I lost it," Nick said. "Yeah, I almost roasted him and   Conceited for a second there," I said laughing and hugging Conceited. "DJ D-Wrek, who won that one?" Nick said after everyone else calmed down. "I got to give that one to the Black Squad!!" DJ D-Wrek said as everyone cheered.

"Damn, The Raymond Twins came to play! Aye, don't go anywhere, because we will be right back," Nick said as the show went to a commercial break.

No one's POV:
Red Squad- 1
Black Squad- 2

Up Next: Bullspittin:
As the two teams were tied 3-3, the Black Squad used their secret sexy weapon, Jennifer Raymond. "There's so many people on my case Sometimes, I feel like I'm in a car chase.
For the people who have said that,
"You're nothing, but a little bitch!"
I bet they laying in a motherfucking ditch.
I'm my own person, I'm my own boss,
Three jobs, two cars; Bitch, you thought I loss." She said as she almost got thrown off the bull.

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