dreamchaser21 Ashley's POV: Have you ever been in love with your best friend, but you can't tell them because you're too afraid to tell them? That's how I felt about Bruno. I was just bored at home when I decided to go see the guys. "Aye! Where my Hooligans at!?" I said as I walked into the studio where my best friends are. "Aye! What up, Ash!" The guys said as I grabbed Bruno's microphone. "Hey, Midget! How are you doing?" I said to Bruno as he looked at me and he looked at me with a devilish look and smiled. "I was doing just great until you got here," he said as I fake gasped. "Aww, come on! You know that I'm the life of the party! Also, you love it when I'm around," I said hugging him as he started chuckling.
"You're right, bestie! I do love it when you are always around. So, what have you been up to?" Bruno asked as they all took a break from playing. "Nothing much, just chilling at home. I decided to get out of the house," I said grabbing Bruno's hat and putting it on my head. I started taking pictures of the hat on and Bruno photo bombed my picture. "Now nigga, I know damn well that you didn't just photobomb my picture!" I yelled while laughing at the picture. "Hey, What can I say? When I see a camera, I have to act on it, and look my beautiful best," he said as I playfully pushed him towards the couch.
As the guys were still taking a break, I had to go use the bathroom. When I came back, I couldn't find my phone, and I left it on the table right beside my purse. "Hey, where's my phone?" I asked the guys as they all looked up from their own phones. "We haven't seen it since you went to the bathroom," Kameron said as he was texting someone. "Oh, how about I'll call it for you?" Bruno offered me as I quickly said no. "Why not, Ashley?" Bruno asked me with a devilish smile on his face while walking towards me. Did I forget to say that the fact why I don't want Bruno to call my phone is because of the name that I saved him as on my phone.
"B-Because! I, uh, accidentally deleted y-your number by mistake, and-and—" I stuttered as Bruno started calling my phone. "Please me, baby, turn around and just tease me, baby. You know what I want and what I need, baby. (Let me hear you say) Please (Let me hear you say) Please Please me, baby Turn around and just tease me, baby. You know what I want and what I need, baby (Let me hear you say)Please (Let me hear you say)Please (Woo)" my ringtone went off as we all looked for my phone.
"Really, Ash? This is my ringtone on your phone?" Bruno asked me while we were still looking. "What? It's my favorite song," I said as I looked and looked for my phone quickly. We all kept looking until Phill found it. "Found it! It was in between the couch cushions," He said as he looked at my phone and I looked at him in sheer terror. "Um, Ash? Do you have a boyfriend by any chance?" Phill asked me as the guys looked at me. "No, Why?" I asked him as he looks at me shocked and the song stopped playing.
"And, Bruno's the one who's— Whoa, is there something you want to tell us, because you have Bruno saved in your phone as 'Baby Daddy Bruno' with a golden heart. 💛," Phill said showing everyone as I looked wide-eyed at them. Bruno looks at me and smiled as he grabs my phone from Phill.
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"Ashley? What's this about?" Bruno asked me as he held up my phone up to my face. Don't you ever just wanna get out of a situation by grabbing your stuff and run the hell out of there? That's how I'm feeling right now! "Well, um, m-my little sister must have g-gotten into my phone and changed that," I lied while trying to grab my phone back from Bruno. "See, I would believe that if your little sister wasn't 4 years old and is all the way in Detroit with the rest of your family members. The truth, Ashley Drew Washington," Bruno said using my full name and still holding my phone.
"Damn, he hit her with her full government name," Phill said as him along with the guys left us alone. "I'm waiting," Bruno said as he looked into my eyes as if he was looking into my soul. It's now or never, I guess. "Okay, I'm in love with you, Bruno. Ever since elementary school I've always had a crush on you. And you can ask the guys, my sisters, all of my friends, and they'll say yes. Throughout the years we've been together as best friends, I found more reasons for why I love you. I love your laugh, your smile, your voice, the way you walk, how smooth you talk, the way you laugh at our own little jokes even when they aren't even funny, and the list goes on and on. And the whole reason why I never told you is that because I was afraid that you might not love me back," I said feeling a weight being lifted off my chest.
I looked at him and he looked so shocked at me. "Ash, I didn't know that you felt the same way I did about you. you are smart, outgoing, kind, confident, sweet, beauti- no, gorgeous, and the list goes on and on. You don't let anyone else tell you what to do and you may be insecure about yourself, but you don't have to be. This is the main reason why I love you, too. Even when I'm home alone and I start thinking about you, I blush like crazy, and I can't stop thinking about you. Ashley, I love every single thing about you, from your fierce personality to your beautiful body, and from the top of your beautiful head to the bottom of your gorgeous feet. If I was asked to spend a lifetime with you, I would do it in a heartbeat," Bruno said meaning every single word. After Bruno said all of that, he pulled me closer to himself and kissed me softly. I was a little taken back from the kiss, but I ended kissing him back. Kissing Bruno felt like I was on cloud 9 and I didn't want to come back down. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me as the biggest smile came to my face.
As I was about to say yes, I woke up with cold water on my body. "Surprise, motherfucker!!" Bruno said with a bucket in his hands. "BRUNO!!!!" I yelled as I chased him around our house. "I got you best friend!" He yelled running to his own room. I just gave up and went back to my room. I thought about that dream about me and Bruno, and no matter how hard I want us to be together, I will always be in the best friend zone.