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Edward may not notice the change in himself. But people around him do. Rina was the first to notice. (Well,  its not surprising because technically, Edward sees Rina more often than he sees his own parents.) First one are the violets.  Even the cozy effects of the violets invaded his very office now.

Second thing is, Edward starts to thank Rina for getting things done. That, he doesn't normally do. It was alienating for Rina that the first time she heard him say thank you, she thought she did not hear him right.

"Pardon,  sir? "

And Edward, throwing a glance to the surprised secretary, said:

"I said, 'thank you. ' with a smile.

And how amazing human nature is, that just a simple 'thank you' could already make someone's day. Edward himself, upon receiving Rina's silent response,  a timid smile, felt his own spirit brightens up too. No wonder Maymay is like a light shining bright, the more she gives light,  the more she shines.

And thirdly, when alone, he would ponder on a recent funny thing that Maymay did and Rina would often caught him shaking his head and smiling alone.

And this Rina has friends, whom she told Edward's ambiable change to. And her friends have friends, and her friends' friends have friends,  and so on. To cut the story short, Edward's change soon became the talk of the office.

"Maybe she's seeing a girl. "

"Definitely, love can change anyone. "

"I bet she's equally beautiful.  Like a beauty queen. "

"He has become way more handsome than he already is."

Such were people's comments. And one weird thing about gossips is its superpower capability to spread to all the hearing people except to the subject of the gossip himself.

And what has been the talk of the office, would of course not escape from his fathers's ears.

So one friday night, when time has been so kind to allow them to have dinner together, his father brought the topic up.

"I heard you are seeing a girl. " That, he said,  without even looking up.

Edward was taken aback. It was the last thing in his mind his father would ever bring up over dinner. And just where that idea came from?

"What seeing a girl? " Edward asked.

"You know what i mean."

His mom is quiet. Just listening attentively.

"Literally, yes. Im seeing a girl. But figuratively - no. "

"Well,  Edward,  as i must say.  I dont care if  you are seeing a girl at the moment. What i'm worried about is your judgement. I suppose you know how to find a girl that befits you. That befits a Barber, rather. "

The last time Edward has had a relationship was way back in college. Just an ordinary girl. A simple quiet girl. He hadn't even introduce her to his parent yet his father already know everything about her. Even her background. Definitely,  his father had ways. His father had interfered back then. And they broke up. He had had no relationship after that.

"Im growing old. Soon i have to retire. You have to prove to the board you are qualified to be the next CEO. How would they trust you if you have fallible judgements, even on your personal life."

Those were his father's last words about his 'dating thing' during dinner and the conversation falls again to its usual topic.

He retired early to his room after dinner. Already in bed, reading a book, but he's more like looking through it. He heard her Mom knocking on his bedroom door.

"You still awake? "

"Come in." He puts the book on the side table as his mom sits on the bedside.

"So. You are seeing a girl, and i don't even know?" She said kindly. With a hint of sweet reproach. As always, the mildest person in the world.

"As i said Mom, im not seeing a girl-" he paused.

The thought of Maymay flashes in his mind. He sighed.

"Well, there is this girl, her name is Maymay."

"Oh,  Maymay. What a cute name. She seems interesting."

"She is,  Mom.  You wouldn't believe it. But,  we're not really,  like, seeing each other, you know. We're just sort of friends, and i have to admit i'm fond of her company." Edward is smiling as he said that, and her Mom took note of that.

"So,  this Maymay. You have no feelings for her?"

Edward paused for a while. Checking on his feelings.

"No. I only see as a friend. Really. "

"Well, if you only see her as a friend, then why is your face like that when your father talked to you? You look like you're confused. Its a good thing your father wasn't looking at you. Because it was written all over your face."

"That's not about it. i'm not dating anyone at the moment,  okay? It's Dad's interfering again. If it's Maymay or another girl i"m seeing, for all i care,  it's just..- when would he stop doing that. i'm not in a grade school anymore. "

Maybe that was what stopping him from going into a relationship. To have everything be repeated again.

"Well, to be honest, i found nothing wrong with what John said. Because, its basically true. The bible even says that it is wisdom on a man's part to find a fitting wife."

Edward stops to absorb what his Mom just said. And he's getting the point.

"Yeah, but Dad's idea of a fitting wife is driving me crazy. "

"You know Edward. You are an adult, and you are entitled to your own decisions and judgements. If your Dad doesn't agree with you, then you just have to prove him wrong. We both trust you will make good judgements for yourself. You first have to figure out for yourself what a fitting wife means. "

Before his Mom left the room, already at the door, holding the knob, she said,

"And Edward, I noticed you are always in a good mood lately. I might want to meet that Maymay one of these days. " She winked before she totally leaves the room.

"Mom! "

He did not reopen the book he was reading. Instead, he just laid there and ponder his converstion with his mother. He smiled to himself. His mom was right.
Finding a fitting wife doesn't basically mean conceding to his Father's standards,  as long as he can prove the validity of his own judgments.

And also. He wasn't sure if what he said about his feelings for Maymay is the whole truth. Its too early to say he has feelings for her, but then, he cannot deny he has this silent wish in his heart to always see her. On his head he is debating with himself.

Why,  friends normally do see each other. What's the difference between me wanting to see Marco, and me wanting to see Maymay? It's basically the same thing right? It just so happen that Marco is a guy. And Maymay's a woman.

But of course, I will tell you dear readers,  the difference.

His heart aches a bit with the thought of seeing Maymay. His heart knows better than he can readily admit.

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