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The first thing he sees the moment he walks in his office is that gray folder on his table.

His whole plan depended on its content. Or should he say, his whole life. He is even afraid to see what's inside.

He takes it and flip the pages. While he examines its content, he couldn't help but admire how it is delibertely outlined. From the objective, to the execution. He scanned through the pages excitedly. His eyes, beaming. His heart, racing. He sat on the swivel chair and perused the proposal some more.

This is just what i need.

He pressed the intercom.

"Cha? Have the names and the scheduled appointments delivered to my table this morning."

"Yes, sir!"

This is it.

He spends the rest of the day getting a thorough research on the personalities on the masterlist. Their background. What's their favorite food. Resto. Favorite basketball team. Anything. What they previously invested into. He needs to know them. In order to build rapport, he should know all the possible details that would help him get a 'yes'.

He was so focused that he lost the track of time. Had it not for a message tone from his phone, he would have not looked up. He checked the time, few minutes before five. Edward stretched his body. He didn't even noticed he'd been working continuously for five hours straight without even a short break. His neck hurts.

A message from Marco.


Care to have coffee? At 7? Same place?

Of all the days Marco.

Nope. Next time bro. Need to finish something.

I'll be waiting.

Edward nearly throw his phone. Really, Marco has a way of annoying him.

Bahala ka. Sent.

Then Edward put the phone on silent mode. And away from his sight.

He went back to what he's doing. He rubbed his temple. His eyes already hurt. At the moment, he has thirteen names on his list, those whom Cha were able to secure an appointment with. The next list, she'll give tomorrow.

And out of that thirteen, four agreed to set the meeting tomorrow. One in the morning, another one at lunch, and two more in the afternoon. At DIFFERENT venues. How is that? Looks likue he will be needing a proxy. As if that's an option.

The truth is, he has to go himself no matter what happens.

And so aside from gathering useful infos about them, he also has to research the fastest route possible between the venues, so he can get to each one on time, or better yet, 15 minutes ahead of schedule.

Those are the first four he focused researching about. Three down. One more to go. He can't go home without finishing what needs to be finished. He'd print all the materials, and review everything at the condo.

The next time he glanced at the time, it is already 30 minutes after 7. He hasn't garnered enough infos for the last one. But then he remembered Marco's text.

He checked his phone. He was expecting to see another message like, "ok, next time na lang." But unfortunately, Marco's last message was 'ill wait for you.'

The nerve.

He takes his phone away and continued on his research. But. The 'I'll wait for you'
keeps echoing in his head.

I'll wait for you.

I'll wait for you.

I'll wait for you.

He gave up. There's no sense in continuing his work when he couldn't even keep his mind focused!

I hate you bro! to the moon and back!

He got up, printed everything,  and prepared to leave.

When he finally pulled over the parking lot of their fave coffee shop, it is already passed 8pm.

He didn't see Marco's car in the parking lot. Either he already left. Or he did not bring his car. He went inside. There are still few people inside. He looked around. No Marco.

Then he must have left.

He takes his phone from his pocket and dialed Marco's number.

But when he looks up.

Maymay is in front of him.

Whisper of the Heart (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon