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Edward, right after the song ended, excused himself and made his way to the other of the mansion. He left Gwen without a word. People are still applauding in their tables and were trying to have a word with him,  but he hurriedly passed by them. He couldn't forgive himself leaving Maymay alone. He is a beast. A savage beast. And having a duet with Gwen? His father tricked him.

His heart pounded fast against his chest when he saw the lounge chair empty. His eyes darted on all possible directions, but she's nowhere to be seen.

Maybe she's gone to the toilet.

But his heartbeat tells him otherwise. So he went inside the house. He saw one of their maids.

"Neng, you saw Maymay?"

"Maymay? Sino pong Maymay.?"

"A woman in black dress,  tall,  long hair? "

The maid stopped and tried to recall the faces she's already seen, and then replied with a 'no. '

"Could you please just check the toilet for me?"

The maid nodded and disappeared from his sight. He's becoming agitated, cold sweats are coming.

Maymay couldn't have just leave. She promised to stay until he gets back.

When the maid comes back with a negative sign, he hurried out of the mansion with long strides and walked to the gate.

"Good evening, sir." It's the guard.

"You saw a lady,  in black,  tall and long haired?"

"Ah yes, sir,  she just left. Just a few minutes ago,  sir. "

He felt like his heart is going to explode. He could not imagine what Maymay must have been feeling to just leave without him knowing. He pulled his hair. He going crazy.

"Tell Cardo i need my car keys."

"Right away sir." the guard speaks with someone on his radio phone.

Just minutes, his car is exiting the gate. His phone. He remembered his phone.

No text message from Maymay.

He dialed her number.

"Shit!" he throw his cellphone on the passenger's seat. Maymay's phone is turned off.

The entrance of the subdivision to their residence is far, and Maymay must have just walked her way out. Or could be still walking her way out. He won't forgive himself.

So he drive through the roads Maymay must have taken, but to no avail. She is nowhere to be found. He reached the main gate of the subdivision without a sight of her.

He lowered her window, and the guard approached him.

He described Maymay to the guard. But he replied the negative.

Maymay where are you.

Maybe she's still inside of the subdivision. The distance from the gate to the house isn't a joke. Maybe she just lost her way out. Lost her way out?  Maybe she took the wrong turns.

Arrrghhh.  Im going crazy Maymay. I'm sorry.  Where are you!

He made a U-turn and roam around every possible streets Maymay could have gone to.

But to no avail.

He pulled over on the side of the road. His head feels like its going to explode. He closed his eyes and all he could see is Maymay's innocent face with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Oh, God."

Where could you be Maymay? Why didn't you just waited for me? Why? Why?

His heart ached tremendously. He's imagining the worst scenarios and he couldn't take it.

Then his phone rings. He received a text message.

"Edward, don't look for me. I already left. Don't worry, I'm safe. Always be happy without me."

Its from an unknown number. But no doubt it's from Maymay.

Always be happy without me. Just what do you mean Maymay?

Whisper of the Heart (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon