January 23rd, 2022

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It's been about 2 weeks since Charlotte and Roman left their home in North Carolina. They talk to Aria and Joelle every day when they get the chance.

The Superstar Era has been going very well. They were the only team, both in Smackdown Live and Raw, to have more championships than any other team. The Royal Rumble was on Sunday and, unfortunately, none of the members were going to be in the match. But, they were in one of the most dreamed matches ever created. They were in a match with the most popular team on Smackdown Live: The Club.

The Club consisted of 6 members:
AJ Styles
Finn Bàlor
Adam Cole
Liv Morgan
Sonya Deville

Nobody had problems with each other. They were all really good friends. Charlotte and Roman decided to put their 'incident' with AJ in the past and move on to the future.

"Hi, mommy," Charlotte smiles as she looks down at her phone. Revealed, her little butterfly was on the screen. "Hi, baby! How are you?" She asks. "Good. Uncle David said that JoJo and I can visit you on Sunday," she smiles. "I miss you and daddy." "I miss you too, butterfly. Are you giving Uncle David a hard time?" She raises an eyebrow. She shakes her head. "I get to share a room with Maya," she smiles, referring to her three-year-old cousin. Charlotte smiles. "That's good. Do you wanna say hi to daddy?" Aria smiles and nods.

Charlotte turns around to face her husband, who was talking to their Shield partner, Dean Ambrose. "Your daughter wants to talk to you, daddy," Charlotte smiles. "Hey. We don't use those words in this fine establishment. Those words are supposed to be used when it's just you and me. Speaking of you and me, tonight," he smirks as he takes the phone from his blushing wife.

"I don't think you both realized that I'm right here. Eating food," Dean says. "Well, how did Ryan get here?" Charlotte asks. "OK, but Becks and I don't say shit. It's between me and her, just like last night," he smirks. Charlotte scrunches her face. "You're disgusting. I'm going to the locker room," she says walking away. "Yeah, now you know how I feel," Dean laughs.

Charlotte walks away, heading to the locker room when someone bumped into her. "Oh, I'm sorry," the voice said looking up. "Oh my gosh! Hi, Nikki!" Charlotte smiles, giving her old friend, Nikki Bella, a hug. "Hey, Ash. How are you?" She smiles returning the hug. "Tired. Aria was calling me nonstop last night. I got, like, three hours of sleep," Charlotte chuckles. "That's why Joe has my phone."

"It must be nice to have kids," she sighs. "Why? John doesn't want to have kids?" "It's not that he doesn't want kids. He says that we'll barely be home enough to take care of them. I always use you and Joe or Becks and Dean as an example, but he always ends up wanting to drop the topic," Nikki explains. 

"I mean, I understand where he's coming from, but he should at least, listen to what you guys could do about it," Charlotte says. "Because I remember going all panic mode when we had to leave JoJo and Aria, but we ended up finding a way to make it work."

"That's what I've been telling him, but John's got Hollywood in his head. I mean, we haven't even been wedding planning and it's been almost three years. I really don't think our relationship is going to go anywhere. We might have to call it quits," Nikki sighs. Charlotte gives her a hug. "It's going to be OK, Nik. Everything's going to be OK. Just have hope." 

Nikki pulls back and smiles. "Thanks, Ash. I really needed that," she says. "I gotta go talk to Steph. But, I'll see you later," she smiles walking away. "Love you," Charlotte smiles walking the other direction. "Love you, too," she hears.

Charlotte makes it to The Shield locker room to see Becky, Sasha, and Carmella playing a card game. "Hey girly," Carmella smiles as she puts a card down. "Dean's so inappropriate," Charlotte chuckles. "Took ya long enough, lass," Becky says putting a card down. "What made you realize that out?" "Aria called me again and she said she wanted to talk to Joe. I called him daddy, and the Joe basically implied that we were going to have sex tonight," Charlotte says sitting on the chair. "Woah, Woah. TMI," Sasha chuckles. 

"Whatever. Jon was acting like we were fucking right in front of him. I asked him how Ryan got here. He was like," she says, "It's Becks and me only. Just like it was last night," she says impersonating Dean. Becky looks up. "He didn't say that Ash," she laughs. "Yeah, he didn't say that. He's Jonathan David Good. Nothing serious ever comes out of his mouth," Sasha smiles. "She's not wrong," Carmella says. "Hey. Stop talking about my husband like that," Becky smiles. "Don't get married, Mercy," Charlotte smiles. "Yeah. It's a trap," Becky laughs.

"Too late," she says lifting up her hand. The rest of the girls laugh and shakes her head and have fun before going out for their matches.

875 words

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