January 18th, 2023

775 24 44

It was finally the day that the Anoa'i family were looking toward. Baby reveal day. Charlotte still kept her bet that the baby was a boy, considering how low her stomach was. But, Joe, JoJo, and Aria kept bet that the baby was a girl. For the first time, the girls were teaming with Joe and not Charlotte.

"Why am I so tired?" Charlotte groaned as she put on her boots. "I don't know. I think it's because you're pregnant?" Roman teases. She rolls her eyes. "You're not helping, babe," she says. "Mood swings?" He questions. "I guess. I just hope they're not going to be as bad as Aria's." "I don't think anything can beat Galina being pregnant with JoJo. She almost killed me," Roman chuckles.

Charlotte looks at her husband. "Do you miss her?" She asked him. He sighed and nods. "Sometimes, but she did treat me like shit most of the times," he says sitting next to her. "I'm sorry," she says. He smiles and nods. "You couldn't do anything Ash. Don't think about her. Just think about the money you'll owe me soon when we have proof that the baby's a girl," Roman smirks. Charlotte giggles as she leans her head on his shoulder. 

"I love you, Joe," she whispers. "I love you too, Mrs. Anoa'i."

Charlotte, Roman, and Aria made it to the doctor's office, Dr. Rodriquez to be specific. 

"Daddy, when are we going to find out what the baby is?" Aria says crawling onto her father's lap. "In a couple of minutes, butterfly. But, for now," he says getting closer to Aria's ear. "Go tell mommy that daddy can't wait to get his money," he whispers in her ear making Aria giggle. 

"Mommy," Aria smiles, getting Charlotte's attention from her phone. "Yes, butterfly?" "Daddy can't wait to get his money," Aria giggles making Charlotte playfully roll her eyes. "Daddy isn't going to get any money because the baby's not a girl," Charlotte looks at Roman.

"Daddy! I thought you said we were going to know soon! How come mommy knows before us?" Aria exclaims. "Shh butterfly," Roman chuckles. "Mommy doesn't know yet." "Ashley Anoa'i," they hear. "And now we're going to find out," he smirks taking Aria off his lap.

When the three got in the room, Dr. Rodriquez was already in the room putting some gloves on. "Hi, doctor," Charlotte smiles getting his attention. He turns around and smiles. "Hey Ash, Joe," he says. "Hi, Aria," he smiles at the four-year-old.

"Hi, Dr. R," Aria smiles. "I got you a birthday gift," he smiles turning taking a medium sized pink bear off the counter. Aria smiles as she takes the bear from him. "What do you say, butterfly?" Roman smiles. "Thank you," Aria says giving him a hug. "You're welcome, Aria."

"How are you feeling Ash?" Dr. Rodriquez asks Charlotte. She sighed as she sat on the bed. "I've been feeling fine. Just been tired a lot lately," she says. "Mood swings," Roman sings, making Charlotte and Dr. Rodriquez chuckle. "Not that much," Charlotte says. "Still no morning sickness?" He asks her. "Not as much."

"Can we find out what the baby is now?" Aria whines, earning chuckles. "Someone's excited," Dr. Rodriquez smiles. "Joe and the girls think it's a girl, but I'm sticking with my gut feeling of a boy," Charlotte smiles. "Well, why don't we get started?"

"There's the baby," Dr. Rodriquez smiles as he points at the TV screen.

"How come I can't see their face, daddy?" Aria asks. "What with you and all the questions, butterfly?" Charlotte giggles. "We have to wait for the baby to be born to see the baby's face, butterfly," Roman explains. "We're still good for May 19th, right doctor?" Roman asks. "Yep. Looks like everything's doing fine," Dr. Rodriquez smiles as he continues to move the wand around Charlotte's belly.

"You ready, Aria?" Dr. Rodriquez asks the four-year-old. "For what?" Aria asks, earning laughs. "To find out if you're gonna have a baby brother or sister," he explains. "Daddy says it's a girl, but mommy says it's a boy," Aria smiles. "It is a boy," Charlotte smiles.

"I'm afraid not, Ash," Dr. Rodriquez. "No, please tell me it's a boy," Charlotte smiles. "Nope. Congratulations, guys. Another girl," Dr. Rodriquez smiles. "Yes!" Aria and Roman cheer. "We told you mommy," Aria giggles. 

When the three got home, all their friends were waiting. 

"Well?" Sasha smiles, looking at them. Charlotte and Roman look at each other. "Aria, do you want to tell them?" Charlotte looks at her daughter. "Daddy and me were right," Aria smiles as everyone cheers. 

Charlottewwe just posted a picture:

Why do Joe and the girls have to be right?🙄😭 But, May 19th, we can't wait to meet you baby girl💜

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Why do Joe and the girls have to be right?🙄😭 But, May 19th, we can't wait to meet you baby girl💜

771 words

HEYYY!! Sorry for the crappy ending. ANOTHER GIRL!!!! AHHH! Roman's basically outnumbered! But, I'm just going to tell you right now, they're going to have another baby, and it's going to be a boy! 

Next chapter will be on Charlotte's birthday, which is Wrestlemania. Roman goes one on one against Styles. It'll be up soon!!

Love you all!!


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