June 28th, 2022

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"I don't want round 2."

Charlotte smiled putting her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him.

"Oh, come on, Ash. Let me make you feel good," AJ whispers, rubbing her arm gently. "I know, but we need to start packing. Especially me," she slightly smiles.

Joe hasn't come home in the past 3 weeks. But, Charlotte started to notice how his clothes started to disappear out of nowhere. It made Charlotte so upset and angry that the person she loves, loves hurting her.

Since it's just been Charlotte and the girls lately, and Roman wanted to be with Nicole, Charlotte and AJ have been very intimate with each other. Charlotte thought that AJ was great with the girls, but the girls won't open up to him. They didn't like how their parents aren't together.

"But you taste so good," he mumbles kissing her shoulder, making Charlotte blush. "C'mon, Allen. Go home and start packing and I'll consider round two," Charlotte smiles as she gives him small kisses on his jawline.

AJ smirked as he got out of bed and put his shirt on. "Give me thirty minutes," he says kissing her forehead and walking out the room.

Charlotte shook her head as she got out of bed. She was only in her bra, with some leggings on. Her bedroom was a mess, with Joe sneakily taking his clothes out of their closet and her packing.

She took the first shirt that she saw and it happened to be Joe's favorite shirt. She didn't feel like finding a different shirt and she didn't want to have a fight with herself, so she just put it on.

Charlotte walked out of her bedroom and down the hall to Aria's bedroom. She saw Joelle helping Aria put on her shoes.

"Hey, babies," she cooed, getting their attention. The girls looked up and smiled. "Hi, mommy," Aria said. "Where are you guys going?" She asked them.

"Daddy said that he's going to take us to the mall to buy us stuff before you and him leave," JoJo smiled.

Charlotte looked confused. "What? When did daddy say that?" "Yesterday. When you were sleeping with AJ, daddy came home and said that we were going to go shopping today," Aria frowned when she said AJ's name.

Before Charlotte could respond, they heard a door close. "Daddy's here," Aria smiled running out of the room with her sister. Charlotte groaned loudly as she followed her daughters out the room.

She walked down the stairs to see Aria in Roman's arms and Joelle standing next to him. He kissed Aria's temple and JoJo's hair. "I missed you guys," he whispered. "We missed you too, daddy."

"Girls, go wait in the car while I talk to your mom," Roman put Aria down when he saw Charlotte's face.  The girls walked out the door and sat in the car, waiting for their father.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were going to take the girls out today?" Charlotte asked, putting her hands on her hips. Roman rolled his eyes. "I need your permission to take my daughters out?"

"Apparently if haven't been home for the past three weeks," she responded. "You're not taking them anywhere." Roman scoffed. "You can't tell me what to do. The same way I can't tell you that you can't suck Allen's dick."

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Really? You're going to use that against me? I didn't start this. You did," she says pointing at him. "Out of all people. Why him?" He asked her. "Out of all people, why her? Why me, is the question," Charlotte asked him. Roman chuckled as he shook his head.

"So, I'm never going to get an answer from you, right?" She asks him. "I'm taking the girls home with me," he says taking his keys off the kitchen counter. Charlotte chuckled. "That's cute."

"I know I am. I'll bring them home tomorrow," he smirks. "No you're not. If you do, I swear to God, I'm calling the police," Charlotte glared at him. Roman laughed as he moved the hair out of his face. "You know damn well, you won't. Bye, Ash," he says before walking away.

"Oh," he says before turning around and giving her another smirk. "Nice shirt," he laughs before walking out the house.

721 words

HAIII!! Happy Easter!!! I hope you guus liked this chapter!! Do you want the next chapter to be what happens with Joe and the girls or do you want me to jump straight to what happens when they get back tk work??

Love you all😚😚


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