July 23rd, 2023

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Roman has been on the road for a little over a month and he had about two more days until he was able to go home. Battleground was on Sunday and he successfully defended the Intercontinental title against The Miz once again.

It was Sunday night and he came through the curtain from finishing a match against Dolph Ziggler, heading over to his locker room. "Shit," he mumbled walking back, realizing that he left his phone.

When he got there, he saw his phone, untouched in the same position that he left in. He picked it up and turned it on. He saw three missed calls and four text messages from Charlotte. 

"Please call me😭💔," they each said. He looked confused as he called her back as he made his way to his locker room.

After two rings, she picked up. "Joe?" She sounded like she was crying. "Ash, what's wrong?" He said putting the title down on one of the chairs at catering. "Why haven't you been picking up my calls?" She asked softly. "I just finished a match for a live event. What's wrong?" He matched her tone. "Something happened."

Roman lifted an eyebrow, getting looks from some people around him. "What do you mean?" He said slowly and concerned. "Aria stopped breathing," Charlotte whimpered. Roman goes pale. "What?" He almost shouted. "I went to go put Emily to bed and as I was walking past Aria's room and she looked dead. I don't know what happened," she started crying.

"Ash, calm down. I'm coming home. I'll be there in a couple hours," he comforted. "Joe, they don't know what's wrong with her. I don't even know what I did wrong," she sobbed. Roman took the title off the chair and started jogging to where the last place he saw Hunter. "Ashley, you did nothing wrong. Don't blame yourself. I'm gonna come home right now. Just text me the hospital address, OK?" He calmed her down.

"OK," she breathed. "Please hurry," she whispers. "I will. I love you. Don't worry. I love you," he repeats. "I love you too," she said before hanging up the phone.

As predicted, Roman found Hunter talking to one of the set managers. He looked up to see Roman and quickly finished his conversation.

"Hey, Joe," he smiled. "Hey. I gotta go home real quick," he said. "Everything OK?" He asked with concern written on his face. Roman sighed and shook his head. "Ash called me while I had the match. She and the girls are at the hospital," he explained. "What happened?" "Aria stopped breathing and the doctors don't know why."

"Do you want me to book you a flight?" Hunter asked. Roman shook his head. "It's only four-hour drive. I'll manage," he says. "Alright. You give me a call when they give you any news," Hunter says giving him a bro hug. "I will. Thank you," Roman says walking away.

Luckily, there wasn't a lot of traffic so, Roman got to the hospital in about 2 1/2 hours. He checked in and went up to the floor where they were keeping Aria. He didn't walk very far to see Joelle crying in Charlotte's arms.

"Ash," he gently said getting both of their attention. Joelle got off of Charlotte and walked over to Roman who picked her. "Daddy, is Aria going to be OK?" She cried into Roman's shoulder. Roman rubbed her back as he closed his eyes. "She will, princess. Aria's going to be OK," Roman whispered.

He opened his eyes and saw Charlotte not there anymore. He carried JoJo to Aria's room and saw Charlotte sitting at the edge of Aria's hospital bed. Aria's hair was in a ponytail and she had a breathing mask on her face with her eyes closed.

"What did I do, Joe?" She whispers looking at her husband. "Just this morning she was playing with Emily and now she's laying in a hospital bed." Roman shakes his head as he kisses Charlotte's forehead. "You did nothing, babe. Aria's going to be OK. I know she is. It's OK. She's going to be fine," Roman repeats as he sat next to her as she cried silently into his chest.

"Daddy?" Roman heard softly a couple minutes later. Roman looked at where he heard it and saw Aria's eyes barely opened. "Butterfly," he whispered. "Daddy my chest hurts," she whimpers. "I know, baby. I know. Mommy said you stopped breathing," he continued to whisper as he looked over to see his wife and daughter sleeping on him.

"Can I take this off?" She asks referring to the breathing mask. Roman shakes his head. "We have to wait for Dr. R to come back so he can take it off for you," he says reaching his hand over to hers. She grasps on to it as tightly as she could. "Try going to sleep butterfly," he gently says. "It's really late, alright?" He kisses her small hand.

She nods. "I love you, daddy," she whispers. Roman smiles back. "I love you too, butterfly. You'll be alright. Don't worry."

850 words

HEY! Sorry for the long wait! Thanks to Kate and Caitlyn (IssaCrazy_RandomCharlottequeenflair) for the ideas. I'm going to build on this in the next chapter. It's going to be the next day when they get the news on Aria.

Also changed the cover a bit. Made it red instead of blue:

 Made it red instead of blue:

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Also added a quote. Well, next chapter will be up soon!

Love you all!


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