October 16th, 2022

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It's been around 2 weeks since Charlotte and Roman found out that they were going to have another baby. They haven't told the girls yet. They wanted to wait till after Charlotte's appointment today to tell them.

Charlotte woke up to an empty side of the bed. She noticed Joe's phone was on next to her. She picked it up to see a text conversation between him and Nikki.

 She picked it up to see a text conversation between him and Nikki

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Charlotte could feel herself getting emotional. Not only did he forgive her for making a mistake, but he defended her. 

Roman walked out the bathroom with pants on, but no shirt. "Hey, babe," he smiles walking into the closet. She gets out of bed and goes and hugs him from behind. "What's this for?" He turns around. "I love you. Thank you," she whispers putting her head on his chest. "For what?" He smiles returning her hug.

"Letting me consider JoJo as my own. Giving me Aria and this new baby. And most importantly for forgiving me," she whispers against his chest. "You don't have to thank me, baby. I'm just happy that I have you back," he says as he rubs her small belly. "You never lost me," she says looking at him. "And you never lost me," he smiles before putting his lips on hers.

"I'm gonna drop JoJo and Aria at your mom's, OK?" He says as he puts on his shirt. She nods. "I'll be ready by the time you come back," she smiles. "Alright," he says kissing her cheek. "I love you," he says before walking out the closet and the room. "I love you too," she called, "Love you more," she heard making her blush.

Thirty Minutes Later

"What do you think the baby's going to be, Joe?" Charlotte asked as Roman stopped at a red light. "I want another girl," he smiles. "You're joking right?" She looks at him. He chuckles and shakes his head. "We already have two beautiful girls. Why do we need more?" She smiles. "Exactly. If we have two beautiful girls, a third one would be amazing. That means more time for daddy to ban them from dating," he says making her giggle.

"You're going to have to let them date one day," she says. "They can date when they're married," he says parking the car. Charlotte thought about that for a bit. "Wait, that means they can't?" She says. He smiles. "My point exactly. If we have a boy, then it won't be as much fun to annoy you about him dating. He'll be able to date when he's, like, 16," he says. "But that's not fair," she whines. "It is in my eyes, baby girl. Because that's what we're having. Another girl."

"Bet?" She smirks. "Damn right! Now, last time it was a $100 for Aria. This time, $500," he says. "200," she fights back. "250," he says. "Deal," she smiles kissing his cheek. Roman leans towards Charlotte's belly.

"Now, listen here, princess. I know, and you know, that you're going to be my third princess. But, mommy thinks that you're a boy and we both know that that's not true. So, I already lost money to mommy already because of your big sister, and I don't want to lose money again, so, please! Stay a girl for daddy," he smiles before kissing her belly.

"You're so cute," she smiles giving him a kiss. "I know I am," he smirks. "Let's go."

Three Hours Later

Roman and Charlotte made it home with the girls. They were going to talk them about the baby, but they were asleep the whole ride home.

"I'm nervous," Charlotte sighs. "Why?" Roman smiled putting his legs on her lap as he flopped himself on the bed. "Because Aria inherited your drama queen trait and I don't know how she's going to react," she smiles looking at him.

"I'm not dramatic Ash. You are," he chuckles. "No, I'm not. I'm the most chill person ever," she says. "My point exactly."

Joelle came into the room rubbing her eyes and Aria was trailing behind her. "Hi, babies," Charlotte smiled. "I'm not a baby anymore, mommy," Joelle smiles. "But you're my baby," she says as Joelle and Aria sit on their bed. Joelle sat between Charlotte and Roman and Aria sat on Charlotte's lap.

"Mommy and I have to tell you guys something," Roman smiles as he brings Joelle closer to him. "Are we in trouble?" Aria asks looking at her mom. Charlotte smiles and shakes her head. "If mommy was going to have a baby, would you guys be excited?" Roman asked.

The girls looked at Charlotte and smiled. "Mommy? You're going to have a baby?" Joelle asked. Charlotte nods. "Really? I'm going to be a big sister?" Aria asks. "Yeah, butterfly. While you and JoJo were at grandma's house, daddy and I went to the doctors. The baby could be coming around daddy's birthday," Charlotte explains to the girls as she puts her hand on her belly.

"The baby's a girl too," Roman smiles. "No, it's not," she says looking at him. "We don't know what the baby is. We have to wait a bit." "I want the baby to be a girl," Aria smiles. "Me too," Joelle adds on. "I told you, babe. You don't listen. I wouldn't be shocked if the baby gets your stubbornness trait," Roman shakes his head.

"Wait, mommy," Aria asks looking at her mom. "Yes, butterfly?" "How did the baby get in your tummy? Did you eat it?" Aria and Joelle giggle. Charlotte looks at Roman who had the biggest smirk on his face. "Daddy will tell you, butterfly," Roman says getting Aria's attention.

"Well," Roman chuckles. "Joe, don't say anything dumb," Charlotte smiles making the girls laugh. "One day, daddy really wanted to have fun with mommy," he smirks looking at Charlotte. "OK, we're done here," Charlotte says. "Daddy's being dumb right now. When the two of you are a bit older, I'll explain to you, OK?" Charlotte laughs.

"And remember. When the baby comes, mommy and I will have to focus on them a little bit more. But, that doesn't mean that we don't love you guys, OK?" Roman says. The girls nod. "How long do we have to wait to know what the baby is?" Joelle asks. "About 2 more months," Charlotte explains.

"That means more time to convince mommy that the baby's a girl," Roman smiles. "You can try, but it's not going to happen."

1088 words

HAII!! Sorry for the long ass wait!! I'm just being lazy!! But, I hope you guys liked this chapter!! 

For the readers of 'She's Mine', what is a nickname Dean can use for UpUpDwnDwn? Just thinking ahead for future chapters!

Next chapter will be up soon!!


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