July 20th, 2022

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Since their incident at work, Charlotte and Roman were forced to take a break from WWE. They weren't fired nor suspended, but they needed to get themselves together for a little.

Charlotte was going to therapy for the next three weeks and Roman was going to rehab for the next four. His drinking was getting a bit out of hand and Dean and Seth forced him to get help before he couldn't stop.

The couple hasn't seen each other since work and they were going to see each other today. While Joelle was at school and Aria with her grandmother, this was the only time that the two got to talk to each other before Joe had to leave.

"Do I look good?" Charlotte asked as she looked in the mirror. "Yeah. Why are you worrying?" Sasha asked her.

 Why are you worrying?" Sasha asked her

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She sighed. "I don't know. I'm just nervous," Charlotte said turning around to face her. "Nervous about seeing your husband?" She says raising her eyebrow. "Yes, Sasha. I'm nervous about seeing my husband after four days of not talking to him." "OK, damn. Calm down," Sasha chuckled.

"I don't him to go," she was starting to get emotional. "The girls aren't taking this well, especially Aria." "Ash, just calm down," Sasha comforts her. "You guys are doing the right thing. Trying to fix your marriage. Just go and tell him how you feel, OK?"


Charlotte and Roman were going to meet at a small café. It was the first place the two went with their daughters when they first moved to North Carolina.

When she got there, she noticed Roman sitting at their usual table, in his usual chair. Charlotte smiled as she walked over to him. She sat down in front of him, getting his attention. He looked up and slightly smiled.

"Hey," he said. She smiled back. "Hi." It was quiet for a little bit before he spoke up. "Ash, I'm so sorry for lashing out at you," he said. She shook her head. "It's not your fault. I should've just told you what was going on."

Roman took her wrist that had the cut marks on it and made small kisses on the cut marks, making Charlotte smile. "Please, Ash. No matter what happens in the future. Don't do this again. It pains me that I caused you to do this," he says. "It wasn't just your fault," Charlotte says, making Roman raise an eyebrow up, wanting her to explain more.

Charlotte sighs as she can feel herself getting emotional again. "The main reason why I did it was that--" she starts before Roman's phone goes off. The two look at the phone and then back at each other.

"You can get it if you have to," she mumbles. He shakes his head. "It's just Dean being a dick. You're more important to me," he says holding her hands, making her blush.

"I did it because I felt like I wasn't a good enough mom to the girls. Especially JoJo. She already lost her biological mom, and I felt like I haven't been a good example for her," she says. "And I think Aria's mad at me for continuing to see AJ while we're together," she continues as tears start to fall from her eyes.

"And I miss you. I miss all the fun that we used to have with the girls and by ourselves. I miss being with you all the time and I don't want you to leave. I want you to come home," she explains to him with more tears falling. "I don't want you staying with her anymore."

"What? Who said I'm staying with her?" He whispered as he wiped the tears from her eyes. "Your clothes are disappearing from the closet," she sniffs. Roman smiles. "My brother's having a clothing drive. He asked me to give him some clothes so I gave him all my clothes that I don't wear anymore. I've been staying at a hotel," he explains to her.

"Baby, I promise. When I come back from rehab, I'll never leave again. I don't want to hurt you again, OK?" He says gently rubbing his thumb on her hand. "I love you, OK?" She nods. "I love you too."

She takes her hand out of his. She looks down at her left hand, at her wedding ring. She takes it off and hands it to him. "Don't worry. I'm not divorcing you or anything, but I want you to have it while you're gone so you can remember the girls and I." Roman smiles. He takes the ring from her and gently slides it back on her finger.

"I don't need that. I'll never forget you guys, OK? I'm only going to be gone for a month," he says. He shows her his right wrist, with the tattoos. "I'll always have you guys. No matter what happens."

Charlotte stands up and goes and sits on Roman's lap with her arms around his neck and her head in the crook of his neck, his hands wrapped around her waist.

"I love you, Joe." "I love you too, Ash. More than words can describe," he says before kissing her temple.

She pulled away and gently placed her lips on his. He immediately kissed back, realizing how much he missed her lips and how much he's going to miss them for the next four weeks.

She pulled away and placed her forehead against his. "I love you, baby," she whispered again. "I love you too, baby."

992 words

I felt in the mood to write another chapter. It was a happy one too!! I think that recent chapter is going to be the last sad chapter.

I hope you guys liked it!!! Next chapter will be up soon!!!


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