June 5th, 2022

714 28 66

"Ash, don't do anything stupid. Please. Just talk to him about it."

Bayley sat on Charlotte and Roman's bed as she, Becky, and Sasha watched Charlotte put makeup on. Charlotte didn't take the news of Roman cheating on her very well.

Flashback - May 31st, 2022

"Guys, this is a joke, right? Please tell me this is a joke," Charlotte whispers as tears start to form in her eyes. 

"I'm so sorry, Ash. The guys told us and said we shouldn't tell you. Joe said he was going to tell you, but we didn't believe you. We told you as soon as possible," Sasha says sitting next to Charlotte. She cried into Sasha's shoulder.

"Why is he doing this? I've been nothing but loyal to him," she cried. "I know, baby. I know. It's not your fault," Becky whispered rubbing her arm. "What am I supposed to do now? We have to go back on the road in 3 weeks," she cried. 

Sasha sighed. "You have to confront him about it. No matter what happens. You have to do what's best for not only you but Aria and Joelle," she whispered. Charlotte felt her phone vibrate inside her hand. She took her head off of Sasha's shoulder and looked at her phone.


I'm gonna head out for a bit. Leaving Aria with Brie and Daniel😘😘

Charlotte threw her phone across the ring. "I fucking hate him," she yelled. "Ash, calm down. People are starring," Becky whispered. "He's going to leave my daughter with her sister," she cries. "I thought he loved me."

"Just talk to him, Ash," Becky whispers. She shakes her head. "No. I'm not doing anything." She whispers. "If he wants to play a game, game on."

End of Flashback

"No. I told you, I'm not talking to him about anything," Charlotte says putting some eyeshadow on. "Ash, I think you're doing a little too much," Sasha says.

Charlotte sighs and puts the eyeshadow palette on the stand. "How long have we've been together? 5 fucking years. How do I know if he hasn't been cheating on me with her for those five fucking years?" Charlotte says facing them. "I now know where he's going when he says that he's going to hang out with Cass or going to buy something."

"What about the girls? How are they going to live with separated parents?" Becky says. "You need to talk to him." Charlotte ignored her question as she put zipped her shoes on.

" Charlotte ignored her question as she put zipped her shoes on

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"I gotta go guys. My ride is downstairs. Watch the girls for me," Charlotte stands up and takes her bag from the bed. "Ashley, we can't get in between you and Joe," Bayley says. "I'm not asking you to watch them. I'm telling you to watch them," Charlotte says turning around. "I'll be back in an hour." She says before walking out the room.

She takes her coat from the closet and walks out the house. She sees a car parked in front of the house. She smiles as she walks down the porch stairs and opens the car door.

"Hey," he smiles. "Hi," she smiles back giving him a kiss on the lips. He kissed her back and pulled away. "You ready to go?" He says putting his hand on the steering wheel. "Yep," she says putting her seatbelt. "Alright. Let's go."

Charlottewwe just posted a picture

Charlottewwe just posted a picture

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Whatever I do in life, it's for my girls

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Whatever I do in life, it's for my girls. No one else👩‍👧‍👧💜

565 words

Sorry for the short chapter. I tried to make it longer, but I couldn't. I promise the next chapter will be longer and when Charlotte and Roman confront each other. Who do you think Charlotte's with? Love you all!!💜💜

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