July 24th, 2023

631 22 11

The next morning, Aria was a little more active than she was last night. She still had a bit of a hard time breathing and was still in the hospital. When Charlotte saw Aria and Roman interacting, it put the biggest smile on her face.

"You're OK, butterfly," Charlotte smiled giving Aria a hug. "Mommy, what happened?" Aria coughed. Charlotte started stroking her hair. "I don't know, princess. You stopped breathing. But you're OK, now," Charlotte teared up. "Am I going to be OK?" She asked in her soft voice. Charlotte nodded making a tear fall. "You're going to be fine, princess," Roman chimed in. "Grandpa says hi, too."

Dr. Rodriquez comes in the room with a clipboard. "Hi, Aria," he smiles at the four and a half-year-old. Aria waved at him. "Here," he says walking towards her. "Let me take this off of you, now that you're awake," he says taking the mask off her. "Better?" He asks. Aria smiles and nods.

"Still nothing, Doc?" Roman asked as he continued to hold Aria's hand. "Aria isn't allergic to anything, correct?" Dr. Rodriquez asks. Charlotte shakes her head. The doctor nods and looks at Aria. "Aria, do remember what happened before you stopped breathing?" He asks her. Aria looks at her mom with fear on her face. "Butterfly, what happened?" Charlotte looked at her daughter concerned.

"If I tell you, he said he's gonna hurt daddy," Aria whimpered. Roman sat next to Aria. "Butterfly, no one can hurt me. I'm Superman, remember?" He smiles and flexes, making Aria giggle. "Mommy and I aren't going to get mad at you," he says holding her hand again. "Just tell Dr. R what happened, OK?"

"I don't remember who it was, but mommy told me to get my blanket so that way me and her and JoJo could watch a movie before we had to go to bed. When I got to my room, I saw someone sitting on my bed, but I don't remember what happened after that," Aria admitted. Dr. Rodriquez nods. "Ash, you found her on her bed, right?" Charlotte nods.

"Well, she's fine. She just inhaled some gas that caused her to go unconscious for a bit. I would keep an eye on her for the next couple days. She might feel a bit light headed for a bit, but she's fine," Dr. Rodriquez confirms. Roman and Charlotte sighed in relief. "We just don't know what gas it was, right?" Roman asks. The doctor nods. "But when we find out, I'll make sure to call either one of you."

After an hour of traffic, at around 6 in the morning, everyone made it home. Roman and Charlotte both received text messages and missed calls from everyone, asking if Aria's OK. The couple was too tired to directly to message everyone, so Charlotte just made a tweet and Roman retweeted it:

Aria is OK
🙌 WWERomanReigns and I want to thank all of you for caring💗

Charlotte's mom was with Emily but left when they got home. Charlotte walked into Emily's room and saw her sleeping in her crib. She smiled and picked her up, cradling her in her arms before sitting in the rocking chair with her. Emily stirred around a bit but didn't wake up.

"Missed her?" She hears. She looks up and sees Roman leaning against the doorframe. "You scared me," she smiles looking at him. He chuckles and walks over to her. "I'm sorry," he says. "Can't sleep?" He kneels next to the chair as they watch Emily. She shakes her head. "Kind of having an anxiety attack. I don't want you to go back to work," she says looking at him.

He shakes his head. "RAW's gonna be here in about two weeks. I'll stay home, for now, cut a promo then come back for who knows how long," he whispers, seeing Emily starting to wake up. "Ro, I can't keep you from going to work," she says looking at him. He reaches over and kisses her forehead. "I'm staying for all my girls. I can tell you've been stressing out a lot, especially with Em."

"Where's Aria?" She asked. "Sleeping with JoJo on our bed," he stands up and takes Emily out of her arms. "Let's go to bed. It's been a long night." She smiles back and stands up. "What did I do to deserve you?" She asked. He reaches down and kisses her lips gently. "I ask myself the same question every time I look at the girls and you," he kisses Emily's forehead.

"I love you, babe," Charlotte smiles kissing his lips. "I love you too, baby," he says taking her hand. "Let's go to bed. I'm tired as hell," he chuckles making her giggle. "I know."

788 words

HEYY! Sorry for the long ass wait! Next chapter will be when RAW comes to North Carolina and what goes on there!

Also, next week is someone's birthday!! Oof, I wonder who! She also getting an unknown award on her birthday too! OOF!! But yeah!

Next chapter will be up soon! Love you all!


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