December 31st, 2022

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Charlotte and Roman were sleeping in bed, around 6:30 in the morning when they felt Roman felt the bed being bounced up and down.

"Mommy, daddy! Wake up," Aria giggled as she continued to jump up and down. Roman groaned as he looked up to see his daughter. "Butterfly," he groggily said. "Why are you up so early?" "It's my birthday, daddy," she smiled jumping on Roman. 

"Jesus, Aria," he chuckled as he held her. "Wake up, daddy. We have to get my birthday party ready," she says. "I know princess," he smiled. "But it's a bit too early. We have to wait for mommy and JoJo to wake up," he whispered.

"But, that's gonna take forever, daddy," she whined. Roman chuckles again. He reaches over to the nightstand on Charlotte's side and gets his phone. "Here," he says giving her his phone. "You have to be quiet though so you don't wake up mommy and JoJo, OK?" She nods as she takes the phone away from him.

3 Hours Later

Charlotte was the first one to wake up. She was four months pregnant and she was starting to show. She heard small snores and turned around to see Aria sleeping on Roman. Charlotte smiled as she took her phone from the nightstand and took a picture:

Charlottewwe just posted a picture:

I wonder why she's sleeping on daddy and what she's smiling about

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I wonder why she's sleeping on daddy and what she's smiling about...🙈

I can't believe it has been four years since I got Joe back and got this little princess. I remember I found out I was going to have you twenty minutes before I had a match. I'm just glad nothing happened to you. Sorry, TripleH...😬

But, I wouldn't change anything. Thank you for coming into my life, butterfly🦋 Daddy, JoJo, your new baby sibling and mommy love you, Aria Juliet Anoa'i💜 

*Added the purple heart 'cause I know she'll get upset if I use any other color🙄 Spoiled little princess, thanks, to daddy😂

"You done with the photo shoot?" She heard. She looks up from her phone and sees Roman's eyes half-opened, who was smiling at her. "I only took one picture," she smiles. "She woke up at like 6 in morning, jumping on the bed, telling me it's her birthday," he chuckled as he looked at Aria, sleeping on his chest.

"I heard. I just didn't feel like helping you," she smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek before getting out of bed. "Yeah, because of our new baby girl inside your tummy," he smirks looking at her. "We don't know if it's a girl, Joe. Don't jinx it," she giggles walking into the bathroom.

"If it's a girl, I get to name her," he smirks. "That's not fair. You got to name Aria," she says peeking her head out the door. "But you said you loved her name," he says. "Can I at least get to choose her middle name?" Charlotte asks. "Sure, baby."

"Pam and Ash are coming in about a half an hour and then Becks and Mercedes are coming in an hour. Get ready, babe," she says as she runs the sink water. "How do you have more energy than me and you're pregnant?" He chuckles as he walks in the bathroom. "I'm going to make this pregnancy as calm as possible. Since you're here, it's gonna be a lot easier," she says as she washes her face with the water before turning it off.

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