April 5th, 2023

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Today was Charlotte and Roman's favorite day: Wrestlemania day. It was a special one for them because it was Charlotte's birthday. Roman obviously couldn't be home with her and the girls, but Charlotte had a surprise for him.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I really wish I was there," Roman says through the phone as he and Charlotte were Facetiming. "You can stop apologizing now," she smiles. "But I feel bad. I have to fight Allen because he doesn't know how to shut his mouth," he rolled his eyes. 

"Where are you?" Roman asked. "In a car," she says. "You're not driving, are you?" He widens his eyes. "No, baby. David is," she says turning the phone to show her older brother driving. "Good. I don't want you two to get hurt," he smiles. "Where are you guys going anyway?"

"Target." "For?" "She needs more clothes," Charlotte smiles. "She has enough clothes. She has more clothes than Aria and JoJo combined," Roman chuckles. "That's not true. I just want to get her one more outfit and I'll be done with baby shopping," Charlotte says. "Why are you going at 9 in the morning?" 

"Why not?" She smiles. "I'm not gonna argue with you. I have to get ready for tonight. I love you and the girls," he smiles. "We love you more. We'll be watching," Charlotte blows a kiss. "I know you will," he smiles.

A Couple Hours Later

Charlotte and the girls' flight to Orlando landed and it was around 2 PM. Naomi was coming to pick them up and take them to the arena to surprise Roman.

"Hey, Ash. Happy birthday," Naomi smiles giving her a hug. "Thanks, Trin. Sorry for calling you on short notice," Charlotte smiles. "No need to apologize, sis. Let's get going. The arena's like an hour drive."

●   ●   

The girls made it to the arena around 4 PM. Everyone was in on the surprise. Roman's match was the third to last match for the night. Charlotte wanted to spend her birthday with her family, even if it meant that the two were in different states.

"Mommy, where's daddy?" Aria jumps up and down asking her mom. "I don't know, butterfly. We have to go look for him," Charlotte smiled. "Look, it's grandpa," JoJo points. "Grandpa," the girls scream, running to Hunter. 

"Hey, guys," Hunter smiles as he kneels down and gives them a hug. "Grandpa, where's daddy?" Aria asks. "He's at ringside. We can go see him really quickly before he has to get ready for tonight, OK?" He explains. The girls' nod eagerly as they look at their mother. "Let's go, mommy."

It was Wrestlemania 39 and the ramp was very long. Everyone that was competing was out there with Roman. He was in the ring with Stephanie. Charlotte and the girls walked down the ramp, hearing the conversation that everyone was having. 

"Now we all know that Joe's wife couldn't be with us at today, but," Stephanie smiles as she looks at Roman. "Wrestlemania is full of surprises. So, surprise surprise Joe," Stephanie finished as everyone cheered. "I don't get it," Joe chuckles.

Aria and Joelle ran inside the rang, hugging their dad from behind. Roman turned around and saw them. "What are you guys doing here?" He smiled picking them up. "We came to surprise you," JoJo smiles kissing his cheek. "Where's mommy?" He asked.

"I can't go in the ring, so I thought 'Hey. Let me surprise my husband in the seats we're going to be sitting in?" They heard. Roman turned around and saw Charlotte leaning against the barricade. "Hi, babe," she smiles.

Roman smiles back as he puts the girls down and gets out the ring. He walks over and gives her a hug. "Happy birthday, baby," he whispered in her ear. "Thank you," she whispered. "You fucking liar," he yelled as she laughed. "You guys knew about this?" He turns around and smiles as everyone laughs.

"What did she tell you?" Stephanie smiles. Roman clears his throat. "She needs more clothes so David's driving us to Target," he says doing his best Charlotte impression. "I don't talk like that. Aria tell daddy I don't talk like that," Charlotte smiles looking at her daughter.

"You do talk like that, mommy," Aria giggles, making everyone laugh.

715 words

HEYYY!! This was kind of like a cute chapter! Next chapter will be when Charlotte gives birth to their daughter! It will be a sad chapter though... not gonna spoil anything!

Ohh! I totally forgot! I changed the cover, but I'm sure you guys saw it already:

I tried to act like I'm a professional when I'm really not! I'm going to start on the next chapter right now! Love you all!

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I tried to act like I'm a professional when I'm really not! I'm going to start on the next chapter right now! Love you all!


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