May 29th, 2022

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It's been 4 months since Roman started cheating on Charlotte with someone. Part of him wants to stop, but part of him wants to continue. He didn't even know what caused him to start this.

January 24th, 2022

Roman was walking from his locker room, about to leave the arena with his wife when he bumped someone bumped into him.

"Dude, watch where the fuck you're going," he growled before looking up. "Oh, I'm sorry," he mumbled. She smiles. "It's OK, Joe. It's my fault. I wasn't looking at where I was going." "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on Smackdown?" He asks as he gives her a hug. "Yeah, but after the Mania, I'm gonna come on RAW. Needed to get away from some people on Smackdown," she sighs.

"You doing good? You look, kind of, stressed out," Roman tells her. "Yeah. I just got out of a relationship. John apparently didn't love me enough to realize that I broke up with him. Hollywood is his home," Nikki chuckles. "Damn. Don't worry. I bet you'll find someone. But," he moves a bit closer to her, "rumor has it, Randy's been checking you out. He wants a piece of Bella if you know what I mean," he chuckles.

"Actually, I was meaning to talk to you about something," she smirked putting her pointer finger on his chest. "Uh, Nikki? What are you doing?" He stammers. She smiles and wraps her arms around his neck. "You know, you're really all I want in a guy," she smiles. He didn't respond; just continued to listen to what she was saying.

She moved up to his neck. "I want you, Joe," she whispered going down to kiss his neck. Roman groaned quietly but realized what she was doing. He pushes her away. "Stop. I know what you're doing," he says. Nikki chuckles. "Oh please, Leat'i. I know you enjoyed it." Roman didn't say anything. "I'm married, Nicole. I have kids," he says lifting up his left hand to show his ring.

She goes back and wraps her arms around his neck again. "Oh, come on, Joe. She doesn't need to know. No one needs to know. Just you and me. So what do you say?" She smiles. 

Roman didn't know what to say. What if they got caught? What if Charlotte catches them?

He smiles back and wraps his arms around her waist. "Sure," he says putting his lips on hers. She kisses back. They had a make out for a while until Roman pulled away. "But we can't get caught. We have to be careful," he says. She smiles and nods. "Whatever you say, big dog," she smiles. 

"I gotta go. Text me alright?" He says picking his bags back up. "Sure. See you later, Joe," she smiles wiping the lipstick from his lips. He smiles as he walks away.

When he gets outside the arena, he sees Charlotte standing on the passenger side of the car, on her phone. She looks up and smiles. "Hey." He puts on a fake smile, almost making it seem like a real one. "Hey," he says putting the suitcases in the trunk of the car. He closes it and makes his way to his wife. She smiles and wraps her arms around his neck.

"You're lips are really red. You OK?" She asks as she wipes some of the lipstick off his lips. Only, she didn't know it was lipstick. "Yeah. Punk punched me hard and my lip busted a bit," he explains to her. "But, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." "But you're my husband. I'm supposed to worry about you," she frowns. He felt guilty for what he got himself into. She was so loyal to him from day one and he was fooling around. He kisses her lips, making her stop talking.

"Don't worry about me, Ash. I'll be fine. I swear," he tells her as he pulls back. "Let's get going. My babies are coming tomorrow," he smiles walking over to the driver side of the car, making her giggle.

End of Flashback

Roman had another date with Nikki tonight. Apparently, she wanted to give him a late birthday surprise. His birthday was 4 days ago, and he already got what he wanted. He got to go home with his wife and got to spend time with his daughters. Not to mention, he also got birthday sex, which was probably his favorite. 

"Ash, I'm gonna go out for a little bit," he says as he walks in Aria's bedroom. "Daddy, can I go with you?" Aria asked her dad, sitting up on her bed. He shakes his head. "I'm sorry, butterfly. You need some rest. You're a little sick," Roman explains to his daughter as he sits on her bed. "No, daddy. I wanna go with you," she whines. 

"Just let her go, Joe. Where you're going anyway?" Charlotte stands up from her bed. He shrugs. "Going out with Cass, that's all," he says. "So why can't you take her with you if you're just gonna go out with Cass?" Charlotte says crossing her arms over her chest. "Isn't a little late for her to go out?" He asks looking at his phone to see what time it was.

9:04 PM

"Isn't it a little late for you to go 'hang out with Cass'?" She asks.

He knew he had no way of getting out of this. He either had to cancel his 'plans with Cass' or take the risk. He sighs. "Fine. Let's go, butterfly," he says helping her get out of bed. "Yay!" She smiled.

Roman put Aria in her car seat and buckled her up. "Where are we going, daddy?" She asks her father. "We're just going to see one of my friends and then we'll come back home," he explained as he closed the seat belt. "Who are we gonna see?" She asked him innocently. He sighs. "No one princess. Just try and go to sleep. You're burning up a bit," he says putting his hand on forehead. 

She shakes her head. "I'm fine, daddy," she smiles. That smile. That smile. That. Fucking. Smile.

"Just stop, Joe. You're gonna get caught one day. Just call it off and tell her the truth," he remembered Seth and Dean tell him. He had to. But, it was like his drug. He couldn't.

Roman sighs. "Alright. Let's go, princess," he says closing the door. "Let's just hope she doesn't blow my cover," he thought to himself as he sat in the front seat of the car.

1103 words

Do you guys think Aria's going to to tell Charlotte that Roman is not with Cass??

Next chapter will hopefully be up soon! Also, I want to start a WWE group account. I already have flairisqueen, so if you want to join, HMU💕💕

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