June 8th, 2022

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"Honey? What's wrong?"

Charlotte hears on the other side of the phone. "Mom, Joe's out of control. I don't think I can leave the girls here with him," Charlotte cries. 

"Sweetie, I can't come over right now. I have to watch Maya for David. I'll call the girls for you, OK?" Charlotte's mother tells her. "OK."


Charlotte opened the door for the girls and started to cry again. "Ash. What happened?" Sasha whispered hugging her. "He's out of control. I think he started drinking," Charlotte cries. "Was he drunk?" Becky asked. 

"He wasn't drunk, but," she cries, "he smelled like beer and alcohol." "Is that why there are glass and beer on the floor?" Sasha asks her. Charlotte nods. "I threw it on the floor and he wouldn't listen to me. He just took off."

"What did he do?" Sasha asks. "I was putting Aria to bed when we both heard a door slam. I went downstairs and tried to talk to him. He just said 'So when were you going to tell me?'" She explains to them. "Tell him what?" Bayley says.

"I may or may not have cheated on Joe as well," she mumbles. "What?" The girls scream. "Only because he did it first," she said. "That's something Aria or Ryan would say. They're fucking 3 and 4 years old, Ash. You're 35 years old," Sasha lectures her. "Sash, don't yell at her. She already feels bad for doing it," Becky whispers putting her hand on Sasha's shoulder.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Bayley says looking down at her phone. "The media already knows about it. He's blowing up on Twitter," Bayley says showing them her phone.

Some of the headline for one of the articles posted on Twitter were:

WWE Superstar, Roman Reigns, cheating on his wife, Charlotte Flair

Is Nikki Bella and Roman Reigns together?

Is Roman Reigns having an affair?
Roman Reigns caught cheating on his wife, Charlotte Flair

He was number 4 on the Twitter trending list. So many people were disappointed and shocked by the news that they heard.


Are you serious?🙁🙁 Roman is going to save Charlotte from a Rusev attack, proposes to her at WM35, and he still cheats on her with Nikki Bella??💔💔


Charlotte doesn't deserve Roman. I think I speak for everyone...smh


I guess Roman just proved that guys could be the same *sigh*

Charlotte shakes her head. "I really hate him," Charlotte says walking up the stairs. "I don't want him near me or the girls ever again."


He drove with the beer in his hand. He didn't care anymore. He cheated on her. But, the fact that she cheated on him with someone who broke them up, made him mad. He knew that she wanted to play a game, and he didn't want to lose it.

He pulled up in Nikki's driveway and got out the car. He ran up the ramp and and up the stairs. He knocked on the doorbell for loudly and quickly, tapping his foot, waiting impatiently for her to open the door.

"What?" She annoyingly opened the door in her robe to see him. "Joe! What are you do--" she smiled, but Roman cut her off by smashing his lips on to hers. "Joe," she mumbled between kisses. "What about Ash and the kids?" She moaned as Roman started to remove her robe.

"Don't worry about them. Just focus on me, baby. Let me make you feel good."

562 words

HAIIII!!! Sorry for this short chapter! Roman has gone crazyy!! There really won't be a happy chapter for a long ass time, so if you want to stop reading, you can because there is going to be a lot of sad ass chapters!

ALSO, did you hear about Miz and Maryse's daughter? I LOVE HER NAME!! Monroe Sky Mizanin!! It's so freaking cute!! The fact that they posted it makes me want to skip straight to the baby births of my books, especially this one. Oh shit... did I spoil something??

Well, yeah. There will be a baby birth in this book. Just not telling you how many. It could 1, 2, could maybe even 4! Not saying any ish!!

Next chapter will be up soon!! Also, can any of you help me, if you read Switch Up, how to start the chapter?? It's basically going to be Dean's trial and I really don't know how to start it!!


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