July 16th, 2022

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Going back on the road was nothing but stressful for Charlotte. Especially when she had to deal with Aria's tantrum by herself.

Roman and Charlotte still haven't talked to each other since he came home. Everyone now knows that they are both seeing other people. Nobody really talks about it as much because so many rumors are being spread by social media and nobody really wanted to get in between the drama.

RAW was going to start soon and The Shield had a match against Team eXtreme in the middle of the match. Well, considering all the drama going on, Vince knew that Roman and Charlotte wouldn't want to work with each other for a while, he made them stay at ringside, which meant that Randy and Tamina would also be at ringside.

Sasha, Becky, and Charlotte were at catering waiting for their match to be called up. Charlotte noticed that Roman came in with Seth and Dean. Charlotte tried to not to look at him, but it was hard. She missed him.

The guys came sat down next to the girls making small talk with each other. Roman noticed Charlotte's wrist had some black tape on it. Charlotte hated tape. It was one of the things that she swore on her life that she would never use.

"Why are you wearing tape?" Roman sat up from his seat looking at her. She looked at him. "What?" "You heard me. Why are you wearing tape?" He asked her again. "Why do you care?" She mumbles. "Because I'm you're fucking husband," he shouted at her, slamming his hands on the table. "Joe, calm down," Dean whispered as people started to look at their direction.

"Well, you haven't been acting like it," she shouted back at him. "Ash," Sasha whispered. He sighs heavily. "I'm going to ask you one last fucking time, Ashley. Why the hell are you wearing tape?" His voice was cold, scaring her a bit. She had never seen him like this before. She didn't answer him. She got out of her seat walking out of catering.

She felt someone grab her wrist. She turned around to see Roman holding on to her wrist. "Let go of me, Joe," she said trying to remove his hand from her wrist. "Tell me why the fuck you're fucking wearing tape," he screamed. All eyes were on them right now.

"Joe, get off of me," she screamed trying to get him off of her. Roman couldn't take it anymore. Why couldn't he just tell her why she was wearing the tape? With his right hand still clutching on her wrist, he ripped the tape off of her. Charlotte closed her eyes, not wanting to see his reaction.

The gray in Roman's eyes started to turn black. "Ashley. What the hell is this?" She opened her eyes with tears flowing down her face without answering him. "I asked you a fucking question," he yelled at her. "I can't do it anymore," she cries. "You can't do what?" He yells. "I can't do this anymore. No matter how many times I try to fucking talk to you, you keep pushing me away." "So cutting yourself is the fucking answer?" He yells at her, squeezing her wrist. "Joe, please stop. You're hurting me," she whimpers.

"Well guess what? You're hurting me too," he yelled forcefully letting her hand go. "Since you want a fucking answer from me, I felt bad. She needed some support, but I didn't think it was going to go that way. You want a fucking apology? Fine. I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry," he yelled at her with tears falling from his own eyes. "I'm fucking sorry for waking up from that coma."

More tears from Charlotte's eyes started to fall. "I hate you. I wish I never fell for you," her voice quivered before walking away. "Neither do I," he yelled back at her before walking away.

656 words

I think I changed favorite chapters. It was kind of dark and brought back 'Trust in Me' and 'Switch Up' vibes!! 

I hope you guys liked this chapter!! I'm glad I was able to update three chapters of different books!! It's snowing in CT when we're in April. Mother Nature is being a little petty bitch right.

I've created a new book on my group account called 'She's Mine'. The account is WRESTLINGSHIPPERS. Basically, it's an Instagram book and the ships are Charreigns, Sesha, Amblynch, and Baylor! Make sure to check it out sometime!

Next chapter will be up soon! Love you all!!


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