May 31st, 2022

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Charlotte couldn't stop thinking about what Aria said. I mean, she knew it wasn't true, but part of her kind of believed her. He hasn't been home for the past couple of days and whenever they were on the road, he was a bit distant from her and the girls. But, Aria was sick. She was probably just delusional.

"Morning," Charlotte smiles as she wraps her arms around Roman's torso. "Hey. You're in a good mood," he smiles turning around. "Yeah. I'm sorry for being a bitch yesterday," she says. "You weren't being a bitch. Just overly protective of the girls and I. One thing I love about you," he smiles kissing her lips. She smiled into the kiss as she placed her hand on his cheek.

"Want anything for breakfast? I'm gonna take JoJo to school," he says getting some orange juice from the fridge. She shakes her head. "Just some coffee would be fine. The girls and I are going to the PC in a couple hours to work out and train some NXT women and I really need the caffeine," she chuckles. "Hey, can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah. You can talk to me about anything. What's up?" He asks her, leaning against the counter. "Aria told me the weirdest thing yesterday," she chuckles. "She's three, Ash," he laughs. "That's what they do best." "Yeah, but what she told me, I couldn't get out of my head," she says as she drinks some coffee. "Well, what did she say?" He asks crossing his arms over her chest.

"She said that she had a weird dream. When the two of you left the house, you and she drove somewhere and then you stopped the car. You got out of it and some girl kissed you on the cheek, but she forgot who it was," Charlotte explains to Roman. Roman chuckles. "Where did she get that from?" "That's what I said. She's going delusional," Charlotte smiles. 

They both hear footprints coming down the stairs. They turned their heads towards the stairs to see their daughters. "Hi, princesses," Roman smiles as his daughters. "Hi, daddy," Aria smiles as she walks up to her dad. "Daddy, pick me up," Aria jumps up and down. "Aria, my back hurts. I'm turning into an old man," he smiles. 

Aria shakes her head. "Liar. You pick mommy up all the time. It's my turn," she says. Roman playfully rolls his eyes. "Fine. You got me," he says before scooping her up off the floor. "Yay! I'm taller than everyone," Aria smiles. "Not for long," Charlotte smiles. She turns her head to see Joelle. She was quiet and was picking on her food.

"You OK, princess?" Charlotte asks as she sits next to her. "I don't want to go to school today," she mumbles. Charlotte looked at her confused. "Why not, princess?" She asks, sitting in the chair next to her. "Because I'm scared to come home and you and daddy won't be home," she whispers. "All the girls always say that you guys don't love me because you are never home."

Charlotte looks at Roman. Roman's face was filled with disappointment. "Princess, daddy and I love you, OK? I tell you, daddy and I's job is very uncommon for people to do. Daddy and I are going to leave, but not for a long time. You don't have to worry about us leaving, OK?" Charlotte explains to Joelle. She slightly smiles and nods. 


"Hey dude," Becky smiled as Charlotte got in the ring at the Performance Center

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"Hey dude," Becky smiled as Charlotte got in the ring at the Performance Center. "Hey. Sorry, I'm late. Mommy issues," she chuckles. "I feel you, lass," Becky chuckles. "While I sit on the sidelines because I don't have kids," Sasha smiled. "It drains you," Charlotte chuckles.

"What's been going on in mommy land with you, Ash?" Becky asks Charlotte as she ties her shoelaces. "Well, Aria's sick and I think she's a bit delusional," she chuckles as she stands up. "What do you mean by that?" 

"Two days ago, Aria and Joe left the house at around 9 PM. They didn't come home until about 2 in the morning. I was pissed at him because I had a feeling that he was lying about going and hanging out with Cass as he claimed, but I let it go when I found out it wasn't true," she says sitting in the corner of the ring. 

"She said that she had this weird dream that she remembered Roman and her leaving the house and they drove to someplace. He got out the car, some lady," she chuckles, "kissed him on the cheek, but she doesn't remember who it was." 

Sasha and Becky looked at each other. "What, why are you two looking at each other like that? You haven't looked at each other like that since the day we found out I was pregnant," Charlotte says. 

"Ash, there's something we need to talk to you about," Sasha trails off. "What?" She asks. "Joe did something."

834 words

HEYY!! Sorry I haven't updated in so long!!! I promise I will keep updating as soon as possible! This is where stuff get fucked up!! Love you all!!

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