May 30th, 2022

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Roman and Aria got home around 2 AM. His 'date' with Nikki wasn't exactly how he wanted it to be. But, he was glad that Aria didn't say anything. She fell asleep before they could even get to Nikki's hotel. He left her in the car, but "only for a couple minutes", he kept telling himself. 

When the two got home, JoJo and Charlotte were sleeping in Charlotte and Roman's bed, with the TV on. Joe sighed as he put Aria there with him. He walked toward the door but turned around before he could walk out he looked back. His girls, sleeping in his bed. He loved each of them more than anything. More than Nikki. More than himself.

He walked out the room, out the house, in his car. Not looking back.


Charlotte woke up to hear her youngest daughter's coughs. "Aww, my baby," she groans picking up Aria. "Mommy, my stomach hurt," she cries into her mom's shoulder. "Mommy? Where's daddy?" Joelle asked her mom, yawning. Charlotte sighs. "I don't know princess. But, just try going back to bed. I'm sure by the time you wake up, he'll be home, OK?" Charlotte says as she rubs Aria's back. Joelle nods and lies back down.

Charlotte sighs again. "Let's  get you something to eat, princess," she says walking out the room and walks down the stairs to the kitchen, to see Roman there with a mug in his hand. 

"Where the hell have you been?" She snaps putting Aria in the seats on the counter. "I brought Aria home and slept on the couch. I went to the gym. Nothing more, nothing less," he says sipping on the mug. "What's that?" She says opening the fridge. "Coffee. Why are you so obsessed with what I'm doing?" He says putting the mug on the counter.

"Um, maybe because you're my husband and I'm your wife? Why are you upset with me worrying about you? Do you not want me to worry about you?" She says putting her hands on her hips. Roman walks up to her and wraps his arms around her waist. "Are you OK, Ash?" He says. She sighs. "No. I'm tired of people asking me that. I'm not OK," she says.

"Ash. Why don't you take a break? I got the girls. Go rest up. You don't look that good either," he tells her. "Do I have to? I've been doing this for a couple days now. It's in my blood. I think I'll be fine. Just go do what you've been doing for those days," she remarks removing his arms from her waist. He rolls his eyes and sighs. "Ash, I said I got them. Go take a nap or something. I have the girls. I'm not taking no for an answer," he crosses his hands over his chest. 

"Fine. Whatever," she mumbles. She looks at Aria, who is sleeping on the counter. "Make sure she gets something to eat," she says walking away. "I said I got it." He yells back at her. He sighs as he looks at his daughter. He walks over to her.

"Butterfly. Wake up," he whispers to her. She wakes up after a few attempts and looks at Roman. "Daddy?" she whispers. He slightly smiles. "Yeah, princess? You want something to eat? Want pancakes?" He asks her. She nods. "Can I have only one?" She asks his getting down from the seats. "Your tummy hurting that bad, princess?" He asks her. She nods. "OK. I'll call you when they're ready, OK?" He tells her taking some flour and sugar out of the cupboard. "OK, daddy," she says walking away.

Aria walks up the stairs to her parents' bedroom to see her mom putting her hair in a ponytail in the bathroom. While she's still trying, Charlotte looks at her daughter. "Butterfly, are you OK?" Charlotte asks her daughter. She nods. "Daddy's making pancakes," she smiles. Charlotte removes her hands from her hair and smiles. "That's nice. I'm gonna go sleep. Wake me up when you need something, OK, princess?" Charlotte tells her daughter as she sits on the bed.

"Mommy, I had a weird dream last night," Aria tells her mom. Charlotte looks at her daughter concerned. "Are you OK, princess?" Aria nods. "I think it was after daddy and I left the house yesterday. We drove somewhere and then daddy got out the car. There was a girl standing in front of it. She kissed daddy right here," she explains to her mom pointing to her cheek. "Then, something else happened, but I don't remember."

Charlotte wanted to laugh. "Aria," she chuckles. "Are you OK, butterfly?" She thought she was going delusional. "But, I'm not lying, mommy. That's what happened," Aria tells her mom. Charlotte smiles at her daughter. "I'm not saying you're lying butterfly. I just wanted to know if you are OK. You've been sick for the past couple of days. I just wanted to know if you were OK."

"Aria!" They hear from downstairs. "Go eat. We'll talk about this later, OK butterfly?" Aria nods and walks out the room.

848 words

HELLO PEOPLE!! Now, you know that Aria kind of told Charlotte that Roman is cheating on her. Charlotte's too oblivious to realize that, until someone actually tells her. 

On a positive note, I'm starting a new book! No, it's not a sad book. It's a Polyvore book where you guys ask for sets for your stories and I or my cousin, Emma, will make them for you. If you want more information, the book title is called 'Square Up'. Yes, it's the book that has my queen, Sonya Deville on it! 

Next chapter will be up soon!!

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