June 13th, 2023

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In less than two weeks, Emily would be one month old. Roman was able to get two months off, but he was going back on the road next month. This only meant one thing in the Anoa'i household: Barbecue.

"Hey, you," Roman smiles as he sees Charlotte sitting on the couch with Emily on her lap. "Hey, baby," she smiles. "I'm taking the girls to go buy something for later today," he says kissing her temple. She nods. "Can you buy some baby formula too? Em's drinking them really fast," she chuckles as she looks at the sleeping baby in her arms. "And I'm so tired of breastfeeding."

"Yeah sure," he smiles as he takes Emily from her. "Hey. Give her back," Charlotte whines. "But I like her. I don't wanna share," he smiles kissing Emily's forehead. "I can't believe she's going to be one month soon," Roman says giving Emily back to Charlotte. "I know. Now she's looking more like you than ever," Charlotte smiles.

The two heard footsteps and saw Aria and Joelle walking down the stairs. "Hi, babies," Charlotte smiled. "Hi mommy," the two say. "I heard you're leaving me and Emmy to go spend time with daddy," Charlotte says, making her daughters giggle. "It's daddy's fault," JoJo smiles. "Hey. Don't put daddy in this. Daddy did nothing," Roman laughs.

"Daddy's taking my daughters away from me. That's what daddy did," Charlotte looks at Roman. "Daddy, mommy's mad," Aria giggle. "I know, princess," Roman whispers picking her up, taking JoJo's hand. "Let's go before she goes crazy on me," he smiles making them all giggle.


"You can't tell mommy about this," Roman smiles through the review mirror. "Aria, I'm not joking. She's gonna get mad at me that I let you have candy at 10:30 in the morning." "I won't, daddy. I promise," Aria smiles as she put another piece of candy in her mouth. "Yes she will, daddy," JoJo says. "No, I won't. Stop lying, JoJo," Aria sticks her tongue out.

"Hey," Roman says turning around as he stops at a red light. "No fighting. You guys know mommy and I don't like it when you two, fight," Roman says. "Sorry, daddy," the two mumble. "Candy," he says holding his hand out. The girls look at each other before placing a couple of Skittles in Roman's hand. "Thank you," he says putting all of them in his mouth.

"Daddy, you can't do that," JoJo giggles. "You sound just like mommy," he shakes his head as he parks the car in the Walmart parking lot. "They taste better like that," he smiles taking off his seatbelt. Aria shakes her head. "No, they don't," she says before looking at JoJo. "Daddy's tongue is broken," she giggles as her sister follows. Roman chuckles as he gets out the car.

"Daddy, can we take the candy?" Aria says as Roman helps her take off her seatbelt. He chuckles. "No, butterfly. But I promise. I'll buy you guys real food when we get inside," he says. Aria smiles and nods. "I wanna push the cart this time," she jumps up and down. "No! Last time we went with mommy and Aria pushed it," Joelle says. "Because you went with daddy and pushed the cart. It's my turn now," Aria explains.

"Alright. You both can help me push it," he chuckles as he picks Aria up and holds JoJo's hand. "YAY," the two cheer. Roman chuckles as the three walk into the store.


"No, get the other one, butterfly. Mommy doesn't like the blueberry one."

Roman smiles as Aria comes back with a tray of muffins. "But mommy always gets this one. She just takes out the blueberries," JoJo says. "Alright, fine. But if mommy yells at me, I'm blaming you guys," he says. "You can't blame us, daddy. You love us," JoJo sticks her tongue out. "Yeah, daddy. You love me and JoJo and Emmy more than you love mommy. You said so yourself," Aria giggles.

"Shhh," Roman puts his finger by his lip. "That stays between us three. Mommy doesn't need to know that. I already did a lot of bad stuff today. I don't want her to beat me up when we get home," Roman chuckles. "Then that's all your fault," JoJo smiles as she and Aria walk away, leaving Roman shaking his head.

"Looks like you've got your hands full," he hears. He turns around and sees a lady with black hair behind him. She was about Charlotte's height, maybe a bit shorter. Roman chuckles. "Yeah. They remind me of their mother," he says.

"It can't be that difficult having kids, can it?" The lady asks him. "Unless you're outnumbered," Roman smiles putting his hair in a bun. "Three girls and a wife," he smiles. The lady had a slight frown on her face. "Is your wife here?" She says walking closer to him.

"Uh, no," he says confused. "So, she wouldn't mind if I did this," she smirks palming him in his jeans. "Woah, Woah," Roman says holding her hand. "Oh come on," she says moving flipping her black hair to the side. "She doesn't have to know."

The same words Nicole told him last year. The same words that got him into a mess with his wife.

"No," Roman says pushing her hand away. "I already got in trouble for doing this behind my wife's back. I'm not doing that again," Roman glared at her, making the lady groan in annoyance before walking away.

He then felt a vibrate in his pocket. He took his phone out and saw a text notification from Charlotte.

 He took his phone out and saw a text notification from Charlotte

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939 words

HEYY! Sorry for the long ass wait for a chapter! What better day to publish a chapter than on Roman's birthday?? Well, I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm kind of running out of ideas!

Shout out to wwecity and lovelyflairr for the ideas!

Next chapter will be up soon! Love you all!


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