January 23rd, 2022

971 31 2

This entire chapter is a smut chapter, so I hope you guys are ready. If you don't want to read, wait until the next chapter.

Charlotte and Roman made it to their hotel room after their house show. Kissing. Making Out. 

"You know you're not supposed to call me 'daddy' in public, right?" Joe groans as he moves his way to Charlotte's neck. "I didn't know that daddy," she moans. Joe sucks on her neck harder, making Charlotte moan louder. "Fuck," she moans.

Joe picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. He goes back to her lips and Charlotte moans as she kissed back. Her blonde hair was covering them both as Joe made their way to the bed. He drops his wife on the bed and goes back to attacking her neck again. "J-Joe," she moans as she wraps her arms around his neck. He doesn't respond. Just continued to please his wife. "Joe, I want you so fucking badly," Ashley moans to her husband. Roman stops and looks at his wife.

He picks her back up and puts her against the wall. "You want me?" He smirks. She nods. He removes her shirt, leaving her in her bra. He groans. "These are all mine," he mumbles making his way down to her chest. He kisses her chest, then rips her bra off. Charlotte giggles and moans as her husband suck on her breasts.

"Fuck," she whispers as Joe continues. Ashley starts to tug on his shirt, wanting him to take it off. Roman pulls back and takes off his shirt. Charlotte smirks as she runs her fingernail up and down his chest. "Take a picture; it'll last longer," he smiles. Charlotte smiles and kisses his lips. "I don't have to if I have you all to myself."

Charlotte pulls away and kneels down. She starts to unbuckle his belt, hearing her husband's moans and groans. She pulled his pants and boxers down. His member hit the side of her face. She smirked and put her hand on it. She kisses it and wraps her tongue around it. "As-Ash-Ashley," Joe stutters. "Stop being a fucking tease," he breathes. Charlotte didn't listen and continued to tease her husband, getting him itchy for more from her. "Charlotte, st-stop fucking around." 

Charlotte was glad that she was able to control her husband. She was able to make him feel the way that he feels. She knew he wasn't going to let her last, so she put the whole thing in her mouth.

She smiled when she heard the moans and groans come from her husband as she sucked him harder. He moved the hair out of her face as he watched her suck him. "Fuck Ash. You're gonna make me cum," he growls. 

She pulls away and stands back up and goes back to his lips. Roman picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist again. Roman dropped her on the bed and crawled back on top of her.

He pulled her pants down to the floor, leaving her in matching underwear. He palmed her, revealing how soaking wet she was. "Damn, Ash. You really wet," he chuckles. She chuckles back. "How can I not when you're doing this to me?" She smiles. He smiles back and goes back down to Charlotte's pussy.

He pulls the underwear down, as Ashley started to breathe harder. Roman took one long lick and heard his wife's unsteady breathing. He smirked as he dug himself deeper inside of her. "Fuck, Joe. Don-Don't stop," her moans expressed. Roman could see Charlotte's fingers clutching on to the sheets.

He moaned inside of her, sending a vibration feeling throughout her whole body. Her breaths began to get heavy and heavy, as he continued to please her. "J-Joe. Y-you're gonna make me c-cum," she managed to choke out, realizing that she was getting close to her climax. Roman smirked as he pumped one finger in and out of her.

"Oh, god no. Fuck," she wanted to yell, but she couldn't. This was his way of telling her to not cum. This was his way of teasing her, wanting her to wait until it was time. "J-Jon. I'm n-not gonna last. Pl-Please." She was practically begging him to let her release. They haven't done this in about two months. She had almost forgotten how he made her feel.

Roman wanted to do more to her, so he inserted another finger inside of her. She screamed as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her faster. She tightened her grip on the sheets even harder, arching her back, as her moaning was out of control. Roman went back up to her lips and kissed them, as he continued to pump his two fingers. She moaned into his mouth as she felt her orgasm coming.

He pulled his fingers out of her and she whined a bit. Roman chuckled as he aligned his dick with Charlotte's pussy. He rubbed his dick around her pussy, trying to tease her. 

"Stop teasing, Joe," Charlotte cried out. He pushed himself into her, making her gasp for air. "Fuck Ash, you're so tight!" He groaned, moving his hips. Her moans continued to fill the room, and possibly the whole house. Roman had to shush Charlotte a few times, so that way they wouldn't disturb the whole hotel room. It was pretty late a night. 

"J-Joe, I'm g-g-gonna cum," Charlotte moaned. Her orgasm was coming, and she could tell Roman's was too. Charlotte felt Roman's dick twitch, and soon, her juices poured out of her, with Roman's as well.

935 words

If the smut looked similar, it's because I copied and pasted the smut from Trust in Me and Switch Up, because I was procrastinating. But, I hope you guys enjoy!!

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