December 22nd, 2023

791 22 46

It was Charlotte and Roman's three year anniversary and Roman had the best thing planned for her.

It was around 10 in the morning, almost 11, and Charlotte was starting to wake up. She reached over to Roman's side of the bed and felt nothing. His side was cold, meaning that he left a while ago. Charlotte sighed as she sat up and saw a small index card on his pillow. She picked it up and read what it said:


Happy anniversary baby! I'm so sorry I can't be next to you right now as you're reading this but something popped up at work and I was needed by Steph and Hunter. I took the girls with me because I didn't want them bothering you because you look so cute sleeping.

Charlotte smiled at that and continued to read.

I think I'll be there for the whole day, but I'll see if I could come home at around seven. I'm so sorry, love. I'll talk to you later.

~ Your sexy ass husband, Leat'i

Charlotte giggled at the ending but then sighed. She heard her phone buzz and looked over at her nightstand. She reached over and saw a text message from Bayley:

Pam💛: Happy anniversary bitch! The girls and I are downstairs, get your ass down here

Charlotte chuckled as she got out of bed and put on her robe and slippers before grabbing her phone and going downstairs. She heard small conversations and smelt some pancakes.

"Wow, I never thought I would see Sasha cooking," Charlotte teased, getting their attention. "Haha, really funny," Sasha playfully rolls her eyes before putting a plate in front of her. "Where's Joe?" Becky asks. Charlotte sighs. "Working," she says. "I'm sorry, Ash," Bayley says hugging her best friend. Charlotte shakes her head. "It's alright. He said he could be home at around seven, so the whole day won't go to waste," she explains.

"Well, go get ready. You're not gonna spend all day doing nothing, so eat up," Becky smiles.


"Guys, where are we going?" Charlotte laughed as she sat in the passenger seat of Bayley's car. "Places," Bayley says pulling out of Charlotte's driveway. "What are these places?" Charlotte asks. "Girls day out. You can't stay home all day missing your husband and daughters," Sasha says.

Charlotte chuckles. She was happy that her friends were thinking of her, but it was her wedding anniversary. She just wanted to spend the day with her husband.

Charlotte looked down at her hands and saw something missing. "Pam, stop the car," she says. "What?" Bayley says. "Stop the car," she says louder. Bayley stops the car and Charlotte gets out. "Ash, where are you going?" Becky called. "I left my wedding ring upstairs," she says jogging back to the house. She opened the door with her keys and went upstairs to her bathroom.

She looked over the counter and couldn't find the ring. "Where is it?" She thought, looking over her room. "Ash, it's OK," she hears. She sees Becky at the door. "No, I need it. Especially on this day," she says continuing to look. "He's gonna kill me. I can't find it," she huffs. "Ash, it's OK. I'm sure he'll understand."


It was around seven and Charlotte had a fun day with the girls. They wait to do their nails and hair and went shopping. But her missing wedding ring had been bugging her all day. She couldn't confront him about it. Especially on their wedding day.

The girls dropped Charlotte off at home and she made her way up the stairs. Roman's car wasn't in the driveway which made Charlotte sigh in disappointment. She walked up to the door and saw something on it. A note:

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