August 22th, 2022

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WARNING: SMUT CHAPTER!! I REPEAT! S-M-U-T CHAPTER!! Probably very kinky, I don't know, but it's very explicit too. Probably more explicit than the Charlotte and AJ smut, so... ENJOY!!

Roman was coming home today and Charlotte was more than excited. It was around 9 AM and Joe flight was around 10 AM. Charlotte didn't have to worry about getting Aria and Joelle ready because Joelle was over at a friends house and Aria was at David's.

 Charlotte didn't have to worry about getting Aria and Joelle ready because Joelle was over at a friends house and Aria was at David's

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When Charlotte pulled up to the airport, she saw the Joe had texted her.


Just landed. Give me 10 minutes❤️️❤️️

She smiled as she got out of the car and walked over to the entrance of the airport. Even though it's only been 4 weeks, it's been forever since they were at home together with the girls. She was excited that they were finally all going to be together again.

Three minutes have passed and Charlotte was starting to get a bit nervous. Millions of thoughts were swarming in her head.

"Why did he need 10 minutes? What if he met someone else there? When is he coming? Where is he?" were all flowing through her head as she waited for her husband.

"Hey, are you OK? You look a little tense," a lady next to her smiled. Charlotte smiled back. "I'm OK. I'm just nervous about seeing my husband," Charlotte said. "I feel you. My husband's coming back from rehab and it's honestly been the longest time we've been away from each other," the lady smiles.

"My husband too," Charlotte says. She sticks her hand out. "I'm Ashley." The lady shakes her hand. "I'm Madison," she responds back.

Charlotte and Madison were making small talk as they waited for their husbands. Charlotte turned her head and saw Roman with his luggage, talking to another guy.

"Is that your husband?" Madison smiles. "Is that yours?" Charlotte smiled back. The girls ran over to their husbands, tackling them both.

"Jesus Ash," he laughs, holding her up. "You can't jump on me like that." Charlotte giggles as she places her lips on his with her hands wrapped around his neck. "I missed you," she smiles before giving him a hug. "I missed you too," he smirks. His hands traveled down to her ass and squeezed it a bit.

"Are you wearing underwear?" He whispers. She smiled an innocent smile. "Only one will know the answer to that question." "You're a dirty little girl," he whispers as he moves closer to her ear. "Daddy's going to punish you when we get home," he mumbles back as he bites on her ear.

"You haven't even been home for a full minute home and you're already horny," she smiles. "I'm sorry! You're on my dick and I haven't fucked you in so long," he kisses her cheek before putting her down.

"Well, then let's get going then," Charlotte smiled taking his hand. "I fucking missed you, baby," he mumbles before placing his lips on hers. "I missed you too," she smiles in between the kisses.

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