June 8th, 2022

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It's been three days since Charlotte and AJ did what they did. Charlotte didn't feel bad about it at all. There was not one inch of her that made her regret what she did. He started a war, so she was going to finish it.

It was around the girl's bedtime and Charlotte was getting Aria ready for bed.

"Mommy? How come daddy isn't home now?" Aria says. Charlotte sighs. "I don't know, butterfly. I think he went to go buy some medicine for JoJo," Charlotte says. "Mommy, does daddy love me?" Aria asks her mom softly.

Charlotte looked at her daughter shocked. "Of course he does, butterfly. Why do you say that?" "Daddy doesn't like to spend time with me and JoJo anymore. Daddy said that we were going to get ice cream yesterday, but he said that he forgot," Aria says as tears start to fall from her eyes. She shakes her head. "Daddy doesn't like me and JoJo anymore."

Charlotte wanted to cry herself. He was breaking their family. The fact that Aria was talking about this at the age of three made Charlotte not only hear broken, but it made her scared. She doesn't know how to explain this to her daughter. How her father is a liar. How her father is a cheater.

"Juliet," Charlotte whispered as she held Aria in her arms. Whenever Charlotte called Aria by her middle name, she wanted her daughter to know that she loved her and wanted her to take everything that she was going to tell her seriously.

"Daddy loves you and your sister so much. But, daddy and I haven't been getting along for a while. But he loves you, OK? Don't ever think that he doesn't because he does. Just don't worry about it right now, OK?" Charlotte whispers. 

Aria doesn't want to believe her mom, but she does. "OK, mommy. I love you," Aria whispers back. Charlotte kisses Aria's hair and puts her back in her bed. "I love you too, butterfly. Don't worry. When daddy comes home, I'll talk to him." Charlotte slightly smiles. Aria smiles back and nods.

When Charlotte stood up from Aria's bed, they both heard a loud slam of a door. Charlotte sighs. "Try going to sleep, baby. I'll see you in the morning." Aria nods. "I love you, mommy," she whispers before closing her eyes. "I love you too, butterfly," she whispers before walking out the room and closing the door.

She walked down the stairs to see her husband opening the fridge. 

"You missed your night again," she said crossing her arms over her chest. He ignored her as he took a beer bottle out of the fridge. "So when were you going to tell me?" He said using the bottle opener from his keys to open the beer bottle. "Tell you what?"

"What gives you the right to cheat on me?" He raises his voice at her. Charlotte chuckles. "Now you know how it feels, don't you? It makes you do crazy shit, you know," she says. He rolls his eyes. "Who told you?" He says drinking the beer bottle. Charlotte snatched the bottle out of his hand and threw it on the floor, creating a mixture of beer and glass on the floor. 

"Why does it matter who told me? Why would you cheat on me?" She shouts at him. He rolls his eyes again as he takes another beer bottle from the fridge and closes it. She takes the bottle out of his hand. "Joe, stop. Listen to me," she says. He narrowed his eyes at her and snatched the bottle out of her hands.

"Why are you acting like this? You never drink," she whimpered as tears from her eyes started to fall. "Who the fuck told you?" He shouted at her. "Who told you?" Charlotte shouted at him. "He texted me how amazing you are. He texted me how he can't wait to do it with you again. So you were just going expect me to not find out about this?" He yelled.

Charlotte scoffs. "I'm glad he told you. Did you expect me not to find out? If you're so obsessed with trying to find out who told me, my best friends told me. I thought you were my best friend. I married you because I thought you were my best friend," she yelled. Joe rolled his eyes. "Don't start that bullshit, Ash."

"Don't 'Ash' me! I've done nothing but love you for five years. I consider your daughter as my own. I gave you a daughter while you were in the hospital for almost a year. I said yes to you when you proposed to me in front of almost 90,000 people.We said 'I do' in front of all of our friends and family. You told me that you promised my dad that you weren't going to hurt me again and this is what you go and do?" She cried. 

"Aria and Joelle worry that you don't love them anymore. Joe, you're tearing this family apart! What did I do? Please tell me what the hell I did that made you have the idea of cheating on me slip into your mind?" She cried harder.

Joe takes his car keys off the kitchen counter and walks to the door with the beer bottle in hand. "I hate you. I fucking hate you so much," she shouted as she cried. Joe chuckles as he shakes his head before walking out of the house, slamming the door.

Charlotte cries as she takes her phone from her pocket. She dials the first person that she knows who can help her.

"Ash?" She hears on the line. She cries harder. "Mom. Can you come over please?"

952 words

This chapter is so sad! This will probably be my favorite chapter. Do you want the next chapter to be Charlotte talking to her mom and her friends??

Hope you like this chapter as much as I do!! Love you all!

WAIT!!! Go follow my group account! I'm not the founder, however! The account is WRESTLINGSHIPPERS! I'm working with, like, 20 BHAD BHITCHES, and you should go follow them!!


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