May 26th, 2023

935 29 16

"Shh, princess."

Roman said bouncing Emily in his arms. It was around four in the morning and Charlotte was getting some sleep before having to go home later today. Emily wouldn't stop crying and Roman didn't want Charlotte to wake up.

Roman noticed in the corner of his eye that Charlotte was stirring around in her sleep. "Joe," she whispered. He looked up to see his wife's eyes half opened. "Give her to me," she whispered. "No, Ash. I got her. You need to get some rest," he explained to her. 

She shook her head and sat up. "I'll be fine, baby. I think she's just hungry," Charlotte smiled. Roman looked down at the whimpering baby in his arms. He smiled as he gave his daughter to her mother. "She's stealing from me, though."

"What do you mean?" Charlotte looked up as she was breastfeeding Emily. "Those are mine. Not hers," he smirks, making her blush. "You're so inappropriate," she smiles looking down at the baby in her arms. 

"She looks nothing like me," Charlotte says. "That's not true," Roman says looking at Emily. "She has your lips," Roman smiles as Emily pulls away from Charlotte. "Yeah, but she has your gray eyes and your hair and your nose," Charlotte smiles. "She's daddy's mini-me." "That means I have two mini-mes. Em and JoJo," Roman smiles taking Emily away from Charlotte, putting her over his shoulder, about to burp her. "I'm going to need to get another tattoo," he chuckles.

"Well, I have Aria," Charlotte smiles. "I love how all of our daughters have your eyes." "I'm scared for Aria a bit," Roman sighs as he gently pats Emily's back. "I know," Charlotte agrees. "I didn't tell you this, but she told me that she didn't want to be a big sister," Roman says. "What? When?"

"She told me the day we found out that Emily was a girl. She said that she didn't want to be a big sister because we'll be focusing on Emily a lot and she feels like things are going to go back to how they were when we weren't with each other as much," Roman explains as he gives Emily back to Charlotte.

"Why is Aria so difficult?" Charlotte sighs as she lays back with Emily on her chest. "She's your daughter. Aria's difficult and Emily's stubborn," Roman chuckles. "That's true, but JoJo's self-absorbed," Charlotte smiles. "Why wouldn't she be? Have you met her daddy?" Roman smirks, making Charlotte giggle. 

"No more babies," Charlotte says. "What? No fair," he whines. "Going through almost fourteen hours of labor is not fun, honey," she says. "One more, then no more," he begs. Charlotte giggles. "I'll think about it." "Em, tell daddy that you don't want to be a big sister," Charlotte looks at the baby on her chest. "Hey, don't use my daughter against me," Roman says kissing Emily's forehead. 

"Daddy loves you, baby girl. Very much," he whispers. "And mommy loves daddy," Charlotte smiles. "Daddy loves mommy too," Roman smiles before giving her a kiss on her lips.

It was around 10 in the morning, meaning that JoJo and Aria were going to show up, making Charlotte more nervous than ever.

"Ash, you're turning red," Roman says rubbing her back. "I am?" She says looking at him. "Yeah. What's wrong?" He asks her. She shakes her head. "Nothing." "C'mon Ash. You know I'm not gonna take no for an answer. Tell me," he says. She sighs. "Why did Aria have to get my difficult genes?" She asks, making Roman chuckle.

"Joe, it's not funny. We already had this talk with them and JoJo seems to be taking it well, but Aria won't understand that" Charlotte says getting a bit emotional. "Ash, no. Don't cry, please. It's supposed to be a happy day," Roman says giving her a hug. "I just want her to know that I love her," she whispers.

"She does know that, baby. She'll always know that. She loves you the same way you love her. Don't worry about it. Who knows? Maybe she could have a change of heart," he smiles.

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