Jonah Marais - Madison Square Garden

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Sadly none of Jonah's family could make it to the MSG event where Why Don't We was performing. Of course, you dropped everything to be there with him. Earlier, Corbyn had sent you on a mission to go and find Christina, considering you knew the city much better then him because you grew up there. Now here you two were, front row, watching them do soundcheck.

"I cannot believe this is happening right now." You breathed out, getting a slight chill of anxiety at how many people were going to fill up this room in a matter of hours. 

"You better believe it sister, our boyfriends are about to sing in front of a stadium, holy cow a stadium." She whispered the end bit. It was a shock to the system not just for you but for everyone who had something to do with the band. Soundcheck came to and end and everyone left the stage, all but Jonah.

"I'm gonna go find Corbyn." Christina rushed off after them and you climbed up on the stage with help of your boyfriend.

"How was that for you Miss Y/L/N?" Jonah asked, draping his arm around your shoulder and giving you a kiss to the head. 

"More than amazing, you're gonna do every single person in the room proud. It's gonna be an emotional one for me though baby, I always knew you'd make it to a stadium, even if it was only a small performance like tonight." You looked up at him and he sighed.

"It's a shame that my family couldn't make it." He frowned, looking down. 

"Hey, look at me." You whispered, gently placing your finger under his chin and making him look you in the eye. Obviously it was a sensitive topic to talk about because he looked as though he was going to start crying.

"There are many more opportunities for them to come and see you. Don't think this is the last. They are all so overwhelmed and thrilled about what you're doing Jonah, never doubt that. In two hours, you're gonna be performing in Madison Square Garden, you don't hear that everyday." You linked your hand with his.

"You always know the right things to say Y/N. I'm glad you've got my back." He hugged you, resting his head in the crook of your neck,  swaying back and forth lightly.

"What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't? All of them will be watching you on TV so no pressure. I will be in the front with Christina, so keep an eye out for me." You smiled.

"I could spot your face in a crowd of a million." He admitted and you rolled your eyes.

"I'm sure you could. You are living your dream with your best friends. You have an entire fan-base that would go to the ends of the earth for you, and you have a girlfriend who adores the ground you walk on. Don't be upset because your family couldn't come this time around." He nodded, once again wrapping his arms around you.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Y/N." And before you could say anything else, he grabbed your cheeks and smashed his lips onto yours. 

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