Jack Avery - Walmart

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Jack had been your boyfriend for two years. Obviously his career had taken off quite abruptly, but you were just you. A simple Californian. You had met Jack at the airport - him being next to you on his first flight out to LA from Pennsylvania with the band.

The boys had allowed you to move in with them, and to say it was a struggle sometimes was an understatement. You'd kill for them, but sometimes you felt like killing them. However, it was all love.

With Jack being a singer, you worked in Walmart. It sounded boring, but it paid for what you wanted and it wasn't as bad as a lot of people had made it out to be.

"Excuse me Miss, where are the eggs?" A customer came over to you as you were putting milk into the fridges.

"Aisle five, do you need any help today sir?" You asked with a smile.

"No I should be good, thank-you!" He smiled, heading off. When you first got your job, your confidence levels were atrocious. Dealing with strangers everyday however, boosted that.

"Y/N calling out Y/N." The intercom announced. Your head popped up, because it wasn't your usual co-workers voice.

"Your loving boyfriend is here to see you, and he really loves you so hurry up." You playfully rolled your eyes, and quickly rushed the trolley to the back room before heading towards the front of the store.

Once you got there, you saw your goofball.

"You took your time Y/N." He said sarcastically, wrapping his arms around you.

"Babe I'm at work, what are you doing here?" You laughed.

"I talked to your boss." Jack started off.

"And basically, because I'm so convincing, your shift is now over." He told you.

"Who said you could use the intercom huh Jack?" You wiggled your eyebrows and he laughed.

"Bill said it was cool. Y/N he's so chill." Jack followed you as you took your cardigan jacket to the office room.

"Bill would let everyone get away with murder if he was in charge. That dude does not give two f-" Jack stopped you from cursing.

"Sorry dad." You groaned, hanging the cardigan up.

"You're so funny." He pulled a funny face.

"I know, I know. Do you need anything here before we leave?" You asked him.

"I picked up my snack, so ima take her home." Jack smirked.

"Cheesy, but good. I like it." He laced his hand with yours and you headed out of the store. It actually felt kind of good to be finished early because you had been working since sunrise and it was nearly three.

"I've missed you." Jack admitted.

"Believe me, I've missed you too. It's been boring without you." You a sighed.

"I wish I could work with you sometimes but we'd both end up losing our jobs within minutes." He laughed.

"Only because you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from making out with your ever so lovey girlfriend." You teased.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say."

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