Corbyn Besson - Breakup Interview

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It had been a good few months since Corbyn had broken up with you. It wasn't mutual, he thought you were cheating on him with one of your childhood friends, when you told him it wasn't true, he rolled his eyes and walked out of the door, not turning back. For the first month, you cried in self pity and then the next two, you wiped the tears away and walked out of the house with your first smile.

"Y/N hurry!" Your sister shouted, in panic, you sprinted down the stairs and jumped down the last four. Putting a hand over your heart when you realized she was fine.

"You good?" You asked her and she pointed to the television, there they were. All five of them, in their usual skinny jeans and high-branded t-shirts.

"I thought we came to an agreement, calling me for Corbyn being on the screen is what you said you wouldn't do." You sighed, taking a seat next to her and she only turned the TV up even louder then it was before.

"He was like my big brother Y/N, you weren't the only one upset when he left." She muttered and you felt a slight sting in your heart.

"So which one of y'all are taken?" The interviewer asked them, Jack raised his hand with a grin and Corbyn's face looked more depressed than the last interview your sister insisted you watch.

"Not Corbyn? I thought you and Y/N were together?" That was the thing, neither of you had really announced the breakup and the fans surprisingly hadn't suspected a thing, that was until this interview.

"Uh, I mean like you said were, past tense." Corbyn mumbled. The boys knew you could never cheat on him, they tried convincing him but he didn't want to know. They hadn't really shown him any affection, he had made himself upset and it was on him.

"What Corbyn means to say is that him and Y/N went there separate ways. Everyone breaks up, sometimes makes up, who knows? That's the way of life you know? It's full of different experiences." Daniel spoke up confidently, making the conversation a little less awkward. Corbyn took off his headphones.

"I'm sorry but I can't sit here and listen to this. I'm pretty sure our manager told you not to mention relationships." Corbyn sighed, leaving the boys, yourself and interviewer wide eyed.

"Oh Corbyn." You whispered, of course you weren't feeling bad for him, but you knew what heartbreak felt like for sure.

"We are so sorry about him. We still love Y/N dearly and will continue supporting her desicions." Then the TV clicked off.

"Maybe next time he'll learn." You told your sister before going back upstairs and continuing to straighten your hair.

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