Jack Avery - Bad Paparazzi

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It was no doubt, Why Don't We we're getting bigger and bigger as the days went on. At 16, yourself and Jack had twins. Aria and Theo. You thought it would be the end of both of your careers but it really didn't. Of course Jack was a musician but so were you. You had even been on your with celebrities like Justin Bieber and Shawn Mendes.

"They're are so many of them babe." You told Jack, resting both of the babies on either hip.

"Do you want me to take either of the babies?" He asked.

"Not babies." Theo muttered making you and Jack laugh.

"No, I just wanna get through them as fast and as safely as we can." You admitted. The boys had just finished a show and paparazzi had swarmed the front and back of the venue.

"I say we all sprint." Zach stood up proudly.

"A little difficult when you have two babies." You laughed. All of you waited for ten more minutes to see if the crowd would die down but it only got bigger.

"I'll take Theo." Jack declared, taking your half asleep son out of your arms. David went first behind security and then you and Jack with the babies. Aria and Theo had known not to give the paparazzi any attention what so ever.

"The Avery clan is back! Can we have a picture?!" They all shouted and you nearly rolled your eyes while wishing you were already at the bus, but you still had a way to go.

"Theo, Aria, can you smile?" One of them called out, but neither of your children took a second glance.

"Strike one." Jack mumbled to you. It was as if you hadn't made it clear on social media that you didn't want pictures of Theo and Aria across the internet, but no one ever payed attention.

"Wow the manners on your children, how rude." One of them declared and Jack's facial features faltered as he grew angrier.

"Strike two." He walked faster with gritted teeth. Corbyn and Christina walked behind you, trying to avert attention away from the two younger ones.

"I blame the parents honestly!" One of them shouted and that was it. Jack stopped dead in his tracks.

"What did you just say?" He shouted back, stirring Theo and making his son slightly scared.

"Babe, just ignore them." You put a hand on his shoulder but he wasn't having any of it. He practically shoved Theo into yours arms and your eyes widened. Corbyn took Theo from you and Christina took Aria and they scurried off.

"How dare you say that about me and Y/N?" He poked a finger on to the photographers chest.

"I'm so sorry man." The photographer had a smirk planted on his face and it made Jack clench his fists. The other boys had rushed into the bus and you and Jack were stuck.

"Wipe that dirty grin off of your face before I do." Jack threw his fist in the air, ready to punch him.

"JACK ROBERT AVERY! YOUR KIDS, YOUR CAREER, YOUR FAMILY. He is not worth it babe. Come on, let's go." You calmed down towards the end. He lowered his fist.

"You're so lucky I have respect for my girlfriend." Jack spat, linking his hand with you and running to the tour bus. The boys all looked over at you.

"Did you really have to use my full name?" Jack laughed, placing his hands on your hips.

"You would've hit him otherwise." You lowered your voice when you realised the kids were asleep.

"Can't risk waking our little ones up." You smiled.

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