Daniel Seavey - Upset

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Daniel promised to come back home, he promised. It wouldn't have affected you as much if it was just one night, but he hadn't been home for 4 days. You gave up trying to call him after the first 2 days. Now here you were, resting on the couch with your dog and watching the TV. The door to your shared house opened and shut. 

"Babe?" You heard Daniel call out, you acted as if you couldn't hear him. 

"Y/N are you home?" He was getting closer to the front room and when he knew you were ignoring him, a pang of guilt hit him. 

"I know you're not happy with me..." He started off but a sudden burst of confidence was found in you.

"I'm so upset with you right now. Four days Daniel, four days. All I wanted was to know you were safe. All I ever want to know is if you're safe, because I love you." You cried, getting up and sprinting up the stairs, only to be stopped as you got to the forth step.

"Let go of me." You whispered and his face dropped. 

"I was with the boys, we're planning the tour, the tour I want you to come on. I know I should've called, I know baby and I'm so sorry, but please understand that I didn't want to leave you again knowing that I'd be gone for a few months." He pleaded, a tear fell down your cheek and you let out a sigh. 

"I'm glad you're planning so many things Dani, I just want to know you're okay." He timidly smiled and lead you back down the stairs. Then he wrapped his arms around you.

"You're the most amazing girlfriend I could ever ask for Y/N. I'm sorry for making you upset, you never deserve to be upset. Will you forgive me?" He pouted and you laughed.

"I can't stay mad forever." And then you kissed, and it was all worth it because you got to tour with him. 

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