Zach Herron - Nice To Meet You

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Like the good, big sister you were, you decided to take your four year old sister to the park. Her favorite was the sand pit, so you sat on the bench while she headed straight to playing with the sand. 

"Y/N, will you play with me?" She asked, and you nodded, sitting in the sand next to her.

"Excuse me." Someone poked on your shoulder from behind, it was a little girl, who looked upset.

"What's up sweet-heart?" You asked her, both you and your sister turning around.

"I know I shouldn't talk to strangers, but I lost my big brother, and I'm scared." Her lip started trembling so you quickly got up and and walked her and your sister to the bench.

"What's your name?" You asked her, looking around to see if there was anyone frantically looking around for their little sister.

"I'm Reese. Reese Herron." You handed her a spare juice-box from your bag, knowing that they usually calmed your own sister down. 

"Well Reese, I'm Y/N and this Y/S/N, and I will help you find him. It's okay, don't be sad. Enjoy your drink and we can see if he shows up." You told her and she smiled. Your sister was getting aggravated, so when the three of you started looking for Reese's brother, you ended up having to carry her.

"What's he wearing Reese?" You asked her and screeched.

"Zach! There he is!" She screeched, running over to the panicked teenager just meters in front. He knelt down and lifted her up, thankful she was okay.

"Where did you go? I was so worried." That's when you came into sight.

"I was with Y/N, she kept me safe." Reese smiled, and Zach shook your hand.

"Thank-you so much Y/N, nice to meet you by the way." He chuckled, making you smile.

"You're welcome, I would hope someone would do the same if it was my sister." He nodded, taking in your beauty. Your beautiful hair, glowed in the sunlight and your eyes were mesmerizing.

"I'm Zach, how about we let these kiddos play and we can talk?" He suggested and you looked at your sister who was nodding frantically.

"Yes, I can have a new best friend to play with!" Reese screeched. You put your sister down and they headed straight to the slide, in eyesight of both you and Zach.

"I haven't seen you around before." Zach started off.

"Well we just moved from New York, so it's definitely a different scenery." You told him.

"Well Miss Y/N from New York, I would love to get to know you." 

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