Jonah Marais - Leaving For Tour

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After a long set of months recording new music, the boys were ready to go on tour. Except, according to David their manager, you couldn't go because there wasn't enough room on any of the tour buses for someone extra. 

"You'll text me as soon as you land right?" You asked your boyfriend of two years, Jonah. 

"Of course I will, I always do." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. 

"Don't start crying on me now Y/N." He whispered, feeling part of his shirt getting wet from tears. 

"There happy tears, I'm proud of you, you know that? Go show off them damn vocals babe." You smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips. You stayed by his side, because the boys still had to check their bags in, that's when you noticed a familiar suitcases.

"Babe?" You asked Jonah. Jack and Daniel had smirks on their faces. 

"What's up?" You pointed to the three suitcases that were near Keri and Jeff's suitcases.

"The sky." Corbyn replied for you, and you rolled your eyes.

"Seriously, why are my suitcases here?" You asked him again.

"Turns out you're coming to Europe to do the rest of the tour with us. David knew all along and I have your ticket right in my hand." He waved in front of you. 

"Babe, I don't have my straighteners, and you know what my hair gets like in the rain." You groaned and now it was his turn to roll his eyes.

"I practically packed your whole bedroom, with help from Christina on FaceTime, your straighteners are packed, don't worry." He reassured you. 

"I love you." You smiled, giving him another kiss. 

"And I love you too." Tyler then took the tickets from him and you headed through security. Before you knew it, it was time to board.

"So by the looks of things, Gabbie, Jack and I are on one row." Corbyn announced taking his ticket and heading through to his seat.

"I'm seat nine two six." You said.

"You're in between Jonah and I." Anna smiled, and you were thankful that you got some girl company through the flight.

"Lets do this tour." You grinned at your one hell of a talented boyfriend. 

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