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With the world crumbling around the two, she dragged forwards, painstakingly. Thomas's right arm was slung across her shoulder, and she was getting them closer and closer towards the Berg.

The fire surrounding them was getting worse, and the heat began to thicken to an uncomfortable suffocation.

Teresa, after many harrowing attempts of getting Thomas onto the Berg, had finally managed to do so. She watched as Vince held onto him, and Minho checking his stomach wound. Thomas turned around, painfully, and shouted her name.

She could hear the desperation in her voice, and it killed her inside.

Suddenly, the building to the side collapsed onto the platform Teresa was still stood on. This caused her to yell, and fall to her hands. Thomas began to panic, his breathing quickened.

Behind Teresa, the platform began to crumble, falling to the abyss of fire below. Teresa knew what would happen. . . the Berg was too far to be saved. She knew she hurt Thomas, but he'd forgiven her, and they'd kissed. At least he's safe, she thought.

She was wiling to sacrifice herself for him.

Her dark hair blew around her face, and tears were formed in her eyes. Partially from the smoke, but mostly because this was the end. The cure had been found, but there was no use for it now. All the hell they'd been put through did result in something, in the end. In the bitter, horrible end. But at least he was still alive.

Teresa smiled at him. Her blue eyes showed something; and it was bravery, fear, yet satisfaction - he was going to be safe.

And she was going to die.

A split second before the ground beneath her was about to crumble down, alike everything else, the Berg had snapped closer. Thomas, despite his wounded state, lunged for Teresa.

Jorge speedily got the Berg away from the flames. Thomas slid back down, everyone else crouched around them. Teresa's face was bloody, and charred, alike himself.

She was looking at him deeply, her back lying flat against the floor. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't think. She was ready to die. . .

She was still alive.

He'd saved her, in the last, split second of her life.

A debt she can never repay.

Her blue eyes were showing her disbelief, and he just breathed deeply in relief. He hadn't lost her, too.

It wasn't until Teresa had passed out a few seconds later, that Thomas, too, went unconscious.



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