chapter 2 {what it's like now}

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SHE WAS HAVING one of those dreams.

One of those dreams, that you're falling, down and down and down. It feels so real, and it's terrifying. And it's not until you wake up, that you can take a deep breath, and your stomach stops flipping.

So, bearing that all in mind, Teresa awoke, panicking from the moment her eyes snapped open. This panic got worse, when she was disorientated, not having the faintest idea where she was. Nothing looked familiar to her.

She immediately calmed down as soon as she noticed Thomas sitting beside her, asleep.

Teresa takes a deep breath, and shakes the images of fire destroying everything, out of her head. How long have I been out?, she wonders.

Then, another thought pops into her head: has he forgiven me?

Before she even realises what she's doing, she's moving close to him, and shakes his shoulder gently. He awakens, and stares at her blue eyes for a few seconds, not truly believing that she's actually awake.

He blinks. She's still in front if him. And her eyes are defiantly open, and she's giving him a weird look. Not knowing what to say first, as there's so many questions and words and sentences he has whirling around in his head, he simply pulls her into a tight hug.

She's shocked at his sudden action, but hugs him back just as strongly. She feels safe, for the first time, she feels properly safe, in his arms. She closes her eyes the same time he does, and she rests her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

They sit there, Teresa curled on his lap, hugging. No words are spoken, nor have any even been spoken yet. But it doesn't matter. Yes, Thomas hugged Minho and the other's after he woke up, but he hasn't felt this relief that he's feeling now, from being embraced in Teresa's arms.

He sighs into her arms, and doesn't even realise his eyes tearing up, despite the fact that his eyes are closed. Teresa, somehow sensing something is wrong, looks up, and see's silent tears dripping down Thomas's face, staining his cheeks with emotion. Her own eyes begin to tear up, and she laughs a little to relieve  mixed emotions. He smiles at her, his small smile, the smile that's so rare to see.

"It's okay now" she whispers to him, and wipes his tears with her thumbs.
He nods. "I know"

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. Minho pops his head in, and tries not to raise his eyebrows at how the two look. He clears his throat.

"Uh, well Fry's serving supper. I thought that I should tell ya. . .um, hey Teresa"

Teresa, feeling the awkwardness, waves at him a little.

Two minutes later, Teresa has been wrapped up in a jacket; and shoes clad on her feet, Thomas and Teresa wonder down to where supper is being held. It's very much alike the Glade - still outside with long groups of wooden tables and benches (which were crafted by the people who had that job designates to them) and they're all seated under a canopy.

The sea is still in view, and the waves will always be heard. But no one cares, loving the sound. It's odd to the Glader's ears, having never heard something so natural before. It's also weird being in a place that isn't burning hot desert, or compound ran by people who would sacrifice them, without their consent.

Minho, Frypan, Teresa and Thomas sit on a separate table, everyone wanting to give them space. Teresa is worried sick that Minho will snap at her, or hurt her, like he did before. . .but that was then, and she thinks she's proved to everyone that she never meant to hurt anyone - she tried saving the world.

They discuss small things: what they think of being near the sea, how pretty the place is, how strange it is without threat.

After the food, Teresa wonders over to the bonfire, near to where everyone else is. She sits on a log, and watches the flames. Suddenly, she's no longer on a beach in a place like paradise. . .no, she's back on that dreadful building again, with the flames roaring and searing her skin, cramping her lungs. She's stood on the building, thinking 'this is when I die', and then the platform crumbles underneath her. And she's falling, down and down and down.

It's not until she realises that she's clutching her head in her hands, that she was having a flashback.

Meanwhile, Thomas sits afar from the scene that he was observing. Minho handed him something, saying they found it on him. Thomas sits, crying, clutching two old, yet meaningful pieces of paper, neat handwriting covering them.

He takes a deep breath, and neatly folds the letter, and keeps it in his hands. He watches his surroundings ahead, viewing the fire. The fire. That brings back something that makes his stomach churn - it nearly took Teresa's life, and it was everywhere when they were still in The Last City.

His eyes drift amongst the crowd of people, talking. Some are laughing, most are smiling. He spots her. Sat on a log, and even though he can only see her back, he can tell she's in deep thought. Figuring he should give her some space, he decides not to go over to her.

He looks at the distance. He looks at the sea, reminding him of Teresa. It's her eyes. Those ocean coloured eyes. The scene before him is peaceful. Beautifully serene.

But he keeps looking at the water, and then it comes flooding back. The feeling of being drowned. Water surrounding you; and you panicking and not knowing what's happening. Not knowing you're undergoing the Swipe. Not knowing you'll be sent somewhere that will change your life. Then he see's the Griever's, growing in the bubbling tanks of light blue, and the dark lab that Aris and himself discovered. He's back to there.


When everyone falls asleep, the two stay awake. They can't sleep. There's too much on their minds. He climbs out of his hammock, and walks past the other sleeping people (they'll be making individual huts soon) the same time she makes her way over to him.

They fall asleep in each others arms, the waves still calmly overlapping in the background.


a/n: what do you guys think of the story so far? Please comment, and vote if you liked this.

I wanted to make a point, that even though there's no more WICKED, they still have to deal with what had happened before - thus why the trauma Thomas and Teresa experienced, (along with everyone else) caused them to have flashbacks.


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