chapter 1 {a new life}

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HE AWAKENS, his eyes opening slowly. He's disorientated, not remembering being in the place that he is in now. For some reason, he can smell the raw stench of overwhelming sea salt, and the fresh smell of water. He can hear waves, but thinks it's just his mind playing tricks on him.

He gets up slowly, and flinches slightly, from the pain coming from his stomach. He lifts his shirt, to assess the wound. Much to his amazement, the wound has been patched up in white, and has healed considerably.

Satisfied he'll be able to walk without help, he stands and leaves the wooden hut he awoke in.

It bugs him how weird it feels that someone isn't beside him. He's pretty sure that last time he was walking, someone was keeping him up. Someone was driving them forward; and holding onto him just as tightly, and as desperately as he was to them. It's not until he spots all his friends, and the other surviving children, that it comes flooding back to him. Like a slap in the face, after he's finished hugging people.


"Thomas, you okay?" Minho asks.
"Why's he lookin' like he's just been stung by a Griever?" Frypan asks, to no one in particular.
"What's wrong with him?"

People's questioning starts to hit him; and he doesn't like it. He quietly asks Minho, over the many voices asking if he's alright, about Teresa. Minho tells everyone to 'slim it' and he parts the crowd to let Thomas and himself through. Thomas walks after him, leaving the crowd talking to themselves about what they're trying to organise.

Thomas's eyebrows are furrowed in confusion, and slight anger. Is Minho just trying to distract him? Where is she?, he thinks. Where the hell are we, anyway?, he wonders.

"Well, ya shank. Your saving grace is asleep. And she's been asleep, like you, ever since we got here" Minho states, stopping in front of another wooden logged hut.

Thomas eyes him, unsure. "Is she okay?"
"It's kinda like when she came up in the Box. She's in a coma, at least, that's what's been said. She's in there" Minho points to the door.

Thomas nods, and walks past Minho, he's about to put one step in, but Minho halts him. He firmly, yet gently holds onto his friends' shoulder.

"What happened between you two, when all of us were gone?" Minho asks, referring to the time everyone saw Thomas and Teresa clinging onto each other, atop the flaming WICKED building.

Thomas looks him in the eye, and sighs. "Later"

He walks inside, and Minho shuts the door behind him. The room is very much alike the one Thomas woke up in. Streams of yellow light burst in, due to the gaps of the logs holding the small hut together. As gently breeze flows through the room, through the slits of the wood.

And there she lays. Her eyes closed, dark hair spilled across the pillow. Peacefully asleep. Her hands resting by her sides, her chest rising up and down, steadily. His breath catches in his throat, and he does not know why.

He slowly, tentatively, walks towards her. Thomas approaches the bed she lies on, and watches her. It's a few seconds later, when he's pulled a chair, and has sat himself beside her, his big hand enclosing her smaller one.

Finding comfort.

It's a few minutes later, when he begins to talk to her quietly. He doesn't know if she can hear him, or if she is truly asleep from the world. But he doesn't care. He was listening to the waves, swooshing calmly in the distance, reminding him of her ocean coloured eyes.

"I wish I could see your eyes right now," he starts. "I wish you were awake, but I get why you're not. I just want someone to talk to. Yeah, they'll understand, but we, we, were about to die. We were going to die, together. You. . .you nearly died for me. I could tell by the look on your face, t-that. . ." he pauses, and smooths his thumb over her cold hand. "You were willing to die for me"

He takes a deep breath out, and leans back against the wooden chair.

She was going to die for him. She was willing to sacrifice herself, so he would live.

She was always there for me, he thinks.

The betrayal, it stung, it killed people, but he understands why she did it. She did it for her mother, she did it for the billions dying, she did it for all of them, so they could be safe away from others trying to kill them because they're Immune. She said she tried, when they were on the burning rooftop, having accepted their fate, she said she tried. She tried to help and find the cure. And she did. She really did try. They all did. But there's no point in it now. It's all over, now.

But they're all safe.

All together, and Thomas and Teresa are both still alive.

No matter how many times they get hurt, no matter how many times their lives are threatened, they're both still alive.

The sun had already begun setting, and the huge fire had already been lit, when her eyes opened. Her eyes opened to an unusual room, and it smelt unfamiliar. She began to panic.

But she stopped as soon as she noticed him, having fallen asleep on a wooden chair, right beside her.


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