chapter 6 {their undeniable connection}

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SOMETIMES, there are some people that are unreadable. There face is just devoid of any emotion, and blank. There's no change in their facial expression, or no major change at all.

Teresa, to some, may seem like one of those people. She may seem unreadable, but shows some slight emotion. That's because she's good at hiding how she feels, or because she's so strong, she doesn't show much of a change in facial expression. Her face is normally neutral. Normally.

That's because not a lot of people in Paradise, have seen her in some crazy situations; like finding out she helped Thomas make the Maze, when Chuck died, when she found out that her and the Glader's were actually being kept by WICKED after the Maze, when Winston was dying. And then the big one. The one that only Thomas saw - when she told him what she remembered about her mother. When she called WICKED, and told them where everyone was hiding.

He saw the tears in her eyes. He saw the raw emotion, and struggle she was trying to keep in, but it was showing clearly. He saw her eyes, haunted, struggling to tell the horrific story. He saw her face, when she said those words. . .those words, that he'll never forget, and the look on her face, that'll always be remembered.

"We can't turn our backs on them. I won't" she said, her eyes brimming with emotion. Was it guilt?

"Wait, w-w-what are you saying?" he asked, confused, anxiety beginning to creep in.

"I'm saying I want you to understand" she said, calm yet upset.

"Understand what?" he stepped forward, anxiety now a knot in his stomach.

"Why I did it"

Her eyes would always haunt him. The look in her eyes, when she said those four words. That was the moment everything changed.

And because he was the only one who saw that, he is very skilled at being able to ask her questions, and he can tell if she's hiding something, if she's lying. He's not doing it in an interrogative manner, like what he was doing when he was in The Last City- he's doing it in a more gentle manner, as he cares. But he always cared. Even afterward, when she had gone with WICKED. Newt was right.

After he came back from exploring with Minho, Thomas looked for her. He needed to ask her about the nightmare she had. When he found her, walking out of the now called 'medical hut'. It looked like there were quite a few people in there, and there were some people even stood by the entrance, looking like they were listening or wanting to see whatever was going on.

People smiled at Thomas and Minho, to which they smiled a little back. Thomas smiled more when Teresa walked out, and he tugged her arm away from the hut, wanting to consult her away from eavesdropping ears.

Thomas first asked her why there were some many people outside and inside the medical hut. She told him it's because the Immune children were asking her questions on the role she had at WICKED, and rumours they heard, about her and Thomas making the Maze. Other's heard the conversation, and became fascinated by the story and other details on what the two had done.

After she told him that, he asked her about the nightmare. When she said it was 'nothing' he could obviously tell she's was lying. Which is why he's kept on persisting.

"Teresa. What was it about? I'm not dumb- I know it scared the hell out of you"

"Seriously, it's nothing really, it's n-nothing, Tom. I'm fine" she brushes it off, again.

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