chapter 10 {he remembered it}

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IT'S BEEN A WHOLE WEEK, AND TWO DAYS. Thomas has pretty much recovered from his concussion, but he's still forbidden from running.

Him and Teresa have pretty much stuck together all the time. Apart from the times Teresa would go on walks by the beach, or check up on the medical hut.

It was nice, because for the first time in ages, they weren't surrounded by loads of boys. They weren't outdoors, enclosed in a Maze. They weren't stood on a sand dune, dehydrated, in a scorching hot desert, so hot, that it looked white. They weren't stood on a mountain, or by explosions, or running in labs, or with WICKED, or thinking they were going to die, surrounded by fire. No, they were indoors, comfortable and by each other's sides.

Teresa would sit in the bed with him, and they'd talk. They'd talk and talk, about many random things. At some points, the conversation would be focused on the past, on WICKED. But then the topic would be changed, no one wanting to delve into that, when Thomas is recovering from a head injury.

Talking about that past, would remind Teresa. It reminded her, of when Thomas was unconscious, and Minho had just dragged him into Teresa's eyesight. Thomas said one thing to Teresa, before he passed out.


Sure, he defiantly did say that. But why? It's a name, that's for certain. But she hasn't asked about it, thinking it'll be too difficult to conjure up, with a (now) partial concussion.

Now, the two are sat on the floor by the entrance of their hut. The day has passed, and the sun has begun to set. They watch over Paradise, quiet, not feeling like they need to talk. They find each other's presence relieving. They don't feel like they have to talk, because it'll be awkward. It's a comfortable silence.

They can see the never ending, surrounding sea. They can see the surroundings, and the distance, unblocked. None of them, nor any of WICKED'S Subject's, will ever take seeing the distance, for granted. Ever.

They can see some of the Immune children. They can see Vince, walking around, talking to people. Thomas wanders what it would be like, if Mary wasn't shot by Janson. She'd be able to, maybe, give Thomas and Teresa details on what they were both like, before the Maze. Maybe, even further than that. . .when they were much younger.

It still fascinates him, how she knew him. How he felt, how strange it felt, when she recognised him. When she said his name, and when everyone turned to look at him.

But later on, on that day, everything changed. Everything. Thomas shuts his eyes, blocking it out. When he opens them, he see's Minho, further away.

Minho is helping change some things around. He's not running without Thomas, in case he gets injured, alone. He told Thomas to take the time he needed, off.

"Thomas?" Teresa's voice cuts through.

He blinks, and glances at her, sat close beside him.

"Yeah?" he asks her.

"I. . .I don't know how I'm supposed to ask you this" she struggles, looking away.

Instantly, panic arises in Thomas. He worries. She looks unsure,  and he hates seeing her looking like that. He places a large hand on her shoulder, making her look at him.

"What is it?" he looks her in the eye, squinting slightly at the sunlight.

"It's just. . .before you passed out, when Minho had managed to drag you to the beach. I-I was holding you, and then you looked at me, and whispered something. And I don't know how you got what you said, but it's been scaring me with how familiar it sounds"

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