chapter 8 {by your side}

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AS SOON AS THE NAME slips from his lips, Thomas's eyes roll backwards, and he falls unconscious. His hand that was once caressing her face, drops. Teresa let's out a deep, panicked breath. A breath that she was unaware, that she was holding.

Deedee, she thinks. She finds it disturbingly familiar. But then there's something more disturbing, right before her eyes - a passed out, bleeding Thomas.

"Thomas?" she whispers, like a scared child, calling out in the hope that someone they know is nearby. Or still there.

But when he doesn't respond, nor move, she panics more. By now, more people have rushed to the scene, willing to help Thomas out. Minho has been lead away from the crowd, by Harriet, as his face looks painfully shocked. He doesn't want to loose another friend. No one does. Particularly Teresa - she can't loose Thomas.

Thomas is carefully lifted up by Vince, Gally and Frypan. Teresa is just stood there, blue eyes agape and filled with terrified and shocked tears. She feels numb. But she knows she has to be there for Thomas. She has to be by his side. He has to know that she's still there for him. . .so she takes his large hand in hers.

The crowd disperses, but stays close. Some run ahead to the medical hut, to be ready. Vince, Gally, Frypan and Teresa arrive at the medical hut, Minho already sat on a chair, head in his hands, with Harriet sat beside him. Harriet talks to him quietly, reassuringly.

He looks up at Teresa. And just by the way his eyes look, he asks her silently, if Thomas will be okay. Somehow, she understands -
she nods. Of course he will be, Teresa thinks. He can't leave me.

Thomas is laid down on one of the makeshift beds. Brenda, notices Teresa's shocked state. And seeing a strong girl like Teresa, looking like she's seen the world end before her eyes, terrifies Brenda.

Brenda busies herself by grabbing some bandages, cloth, and a bowl of water to help clean Thomas's cut. Frypan finds a seat for Teresa, and places it beside the bed Thomas is lying on. However, Teresa is too focused and worried about Thomas, that she's completely ignored and blanked out the surroundings. Thomas is her only focus. And she won't be able to focus properly, until Thomas is okay.

Gally starts talking to Minho, asking him to explain what happened. He instructs Minho to take it slow, and that it's okay. Well, everyone is safe, and together. No WICKED.

Whilst Minho recalls the story of what they saw, and then Thomas slipping on the way back down, Thomas's cut is cleaned and bandaged. Teresa helps, as it is focusing on Thomas.

Frypan watches Thomas and Teresa. He knows none of them have admitted it, or maybe even spoken about it, but he can see it. It's very clear. And it's always been undeniable, since the moment Teresa came up in The Box. . .the two have a deep, deep bond. An irreplaceable connection. No one's questioned it. It's always been there.

He sighs, watching them. Thomas, you better wake up. Or who knows what Teresa will be like, Frypan thinks, hoping Thomas can somehow hear his thoughts.

DINNER WAS COOKED, but Teresa and Minho stay beside Thomas. Frypan brings them their food to eat. They manage, but barely manage to swallow down the food. Teresa thinks she'll be sick, her stomach churning and feeling rocky from nerves. And one of the worst feelings, is knowing her stomach won't stop feelings like that, until he awakes.

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