chapter 4 {exploring the paradise}

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THE FOLLOWING DAY, Teresa awakes before Thomas does. Somehow, and again, they fell asleep next to each other. And they also, somehow, managed to end up wrapped in each other's arms.

Not that she's complaining - it's slightly chilly, and it's comforting.

She watches himself carefully as he sleeps. She notices, and tries to remember how he looks right now - he looks calm, and peaceful. Unburdened. Unstressed. Unpressured. Relaxed.

For once.

Teresa carefully, and quietly, detaches his arms wound round her. She sits on the edge of the makeshift bed, and smooths her dark hair back from her face.

Today would be the day, that her and Thomas would be able to move into the hut they'll share. Today, would also be the day that Thomas will go exploring with Minho. And the 'exploring' involves running. Everyone is very aware that the two boys are the best at running, and no one doubts nor underestimates them at the abilities. But, considering they don't know an awful lot about this place, it is making nerves arise.

Particularly in Teresa.

"You okay?"

Teresa jumps, and manages not to scream in surprise. Thomas looks up at her, his dark brown hair messy, and his whiskey brown eyes still sleepy. Amidst this, he has a small smile in his face. Amused at scaring Teresa.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's not just like you scared the living daylights out of me" Teresa replies, she tries not to smile, but she ends up smiling.

Thomas chuckles quietly, and rolls out of the makeshift bed. "Today, me and Minho are going exploring, remember?"

"Of course I do"

"Okay, well we're gonna be away for like, five hours or so? But- hang on, why are you giving me that look?"

"What are you taking about?" Teresa asks, confused.

"You look unhappy, and worried"

"Well maybe, it's because I am worried. Sick"

"Because I'm running again?"

"Well, that, and because you and Minho don't even know what's out there" she answers, a hint of desperation at the end.

"Well, that's the reason why we're going to do this. It's okay Teresa, it's not like there's Griever's out there- this isn't a WICKED controlled environment, okay?" He pats her shoulder, and she nods.

"I guess you're right. . .j-just promise me that you won't do anything stupid"

"I promise you"

AFTER MINHO AND THOMAS had breakfast, and changed, they were ready to run. Vince made sure that the boys were fine. And they were. Minho and Thomas said they'd be quite a few hours, the same amount of time it would take them to run around the Maze. Whilst they run, they'll map out the place, like they did in the Maze.

Teresa checks Thomas's now, pretty much healed wound, and them talks to him.

"Remember to keep your promise"

"I will. I promise"

Thomas can see Minho watching them ahead, a smirk on his face.

"Okay, I gotta go. I'll see ya when we get back, okay?"

"Okay" she says, pulling him into a tight hug.

He hugs her back just as tightly, and then after a few moments, he pulls away. "I'll be back"

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