chapter 18 {what they wanted}

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TO BE ENTIRELY HONEST, when Thomas was saying the words, he felt more than nervous. It wasn't completely fear - not like the kind he'd experienced while running for his life, or being stuck in a place with no memories. . .it was a different form of fear.

A fear of losing her.

A fear of losing what they already have, by moving a step forward. Well, a big step forward. The step that transfers you from 'just friends ' to 'in a relationship'

Teresa is the only person who's always been beside him, for as long as he could remember. She's the only one who has a significantly different effect on him.

So due to this, and since they were practically waiting for something, anything to happen, he decided that he'd give in first. He's always been reckless, and done things without thinking it through properly. But he'd thought about it, and knew Newt would be relieved that he actually planned what he was going to do.

Long story short, the two people who've had a connection with one another since they had met; the two who had always been beside one another. The two who seemed to remember each other, despite having all their memories forcibly removed from their own minds. The two, who everyone knew were in love, but didn't even know themselves. The two, known as Thomas and Teresa. . .are in a relationship.

AS SOON AS MINHO spots the two, his legs carry him quickly. His face lights up as he grows closer, seeing how unbelievably joyful the couple are.

"About shucking time!" Minho yells.

Thomas, who's back was facing Minho, turns from his lovers face to his fellow friend. "Oh, Jesus" he mutters under his breath.

Teresa tries to hide her smile, and peers over Thomas's shoulder as he talks to Minho.

"Minho! Slim it. Please" Thomas half yells.

Minho steps closer towards the two, until he's about a metre away. The smile on his face. . .well, he decided he'd never think he'd ever smile like that again. But here he is now, grinning ear to ear. Thomas smiles down at the ground, the look on Minho's face is a tad overwhelming.

The three hear a noise, and Teresa finally says something. Gally walks closer and closer towards them, his mouth wide open in surprise, yet in his eyes he's smiling.

"Oh, you're kidding me. . . I swear everyone is gonna. . . ."

"Thomas and Tere- oh my. . . Oh my God, Minho" Gally stutters, seeing it before his very eyes. They really are, finally together.

"Yeah, I know" Minho pats his friends' shoulder, smiling.

Thomas looks back at Teresa, his normal, small smile still on his face. It's the look, and the message in his dark eyes, and due to the fact that she can read him so well. He's basically saying 'I swear they've never been so shocked in their entire lives ' and 'need to make everything less awkward'

"Guys, I think we'd very much appreciate it if you didn't stand there, gawking at us all day" Teresa tells the two.

The former Runner and Builder almost stumble back at her words, still in a daze. They mutter apologies, and smile. Still.

"Okay, um, were just gonna-"

"Yeah, we're gonna, um. . ."

"We're gonna go on a walk. . .aren't we, Gally?"

Gally nods thankfully at Minho. "Yes, we are"

Minho pulls Gally's shoulder, to get them moving away. They leave Thomas and Teresa alone, though the two can see others staring at them. Watching them. Smiling at them. And probably whispering about them.

"Is it seriously this much of a big deal to them?" Thomas mumbles, looking at Teresa.

She shrugs, yet laughs. "Well, people were aware about. . . us. Before, I mean"

Thomas nods. "Yeah, I know"

LESS THAN AN HOUR LATER, Teresa has gone back to work in the medical hut. She puts away some of the supplies, whilst talking to the little four year old Immune boy she has grown a lot of fondness for - Sam.

The younger boy sits on one of the tables, legs swinging. He happily talks to her, about how Vince let him and the other younger children, go for a 'paddle' in the sea surrounding.

Teresa smiles whilst she hears him talk, chirpy. But then he stops talking all of a sudden, and she turns around to see why.

Sam is looking down at his hands, his legs no longer swinging, the signal of him being happy having stopped. Her eyebrows furrow, her blue eyes filling with concern.

"Sam? What is it?"

He looks back up at her, his eyes showing sadness. That is what hurts her - seeing someone so young in so much pain. She, and Thomas, and well. . .everyone who was property of WICKED, grew up with no peace.

"My parents. . . I never knew who they were. . ." he trails off.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door of the hut they're in. Teresa and Sam's heads turn towards the noise, alerted. Thomas appears, first smiling at the sight of Teresa, but then frowning at the sight of Sam - who he has also grown fond of.

"Are you them? Are you him? Are you her?" Sam's questions tumble out of his mouth, confusing Thomas and Teresa even more.

"What? Sam, what are you talking about?" Teresa asks him, concerned.

Thomas steps closer, soon standing beside Teresa, in front of Sam.

"Are you guys my parents?"


a/n: I didn't plan on writing the ending part, but Sam is literally just wondering and he's really curious (alike Thomas) but no, Thomas and Teresa aren't and can't be his parents.

Sorry I didn't update for a while. Homework was just too much, and when I could write I was either too tired or just unmotivated. But, I've been writing small chunks of this chapter throughout the last 4 days, so hopefully this is good enough :)

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